Monday, February 29, 2016

27 Weeks Baby #2

February 28, 2016

How far along? 27 weeks
Stretch marks? sigh, yes
Sleep: waking up numerous times a night to try to flip over because my hips hurt so bad
Exercise: BarreAmped 1-2x a week, Knocked Up Fitness Prenatal Sculpt 3-4x a week, trying to walk more
Best moment this week (or the past few weeks): Charlee talks about baby sister all the time.  Anytime she sees something that reminds her of a big sister and a baby sister, she points it out.  She went through all of her headbands and gave her little ones to baby sister and likes looking at all her little clothes.
Movement: Lots of kicking at night.  Baby sister is getting very strong.  She also enjoys getting the hiccups right in the middle of my BarreAmped class, which isn't distracting at all.
Food cravings: nothing, food is gross (even though I can't stop eating)
Anything making you queasy or sick: The nausea is back in full force. Today I couldn't eat anything but toast
 Have you started to show yet: big belly.  As Charlee would say "Mommy, too big!"
Gender: baby sister!
Labor Signs: none
Symptoms: nausea, awful nerve separation pain near my right ribs (read feels like someone lit my stomach on fire, but it's numb to the touch), heartburn, hip pain at night
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: The weather was pretty nice last week so we got to spend a lot of time outside at the park and walking. Although it was a rough week with all of my nerve separation drama that leaves me in a lot of pain at night.

Dear baby sister,

Oh sweet baby girl, I can't believe we are almost to the third trimester.  It seems like just yesterday I was sucking it in trying not to tell people that you were going to grace us with your presence in May.  Although, I could do without the nausea now and all the aches and pains.  I know you will be well worth it in the end, but for now, I could really use a break.

We are making some headway on your nursery.  It's really looking more like your room and less like Charlee's.  I can't wait to sit in the glider with you (even in the middle of the night), snuggling you.  I think I might have to fight Charlee for the snuggling time because she's a pretty good snuggler and has been practicing with her baby doll.

Love you, baby sister!

your mommy

She was pretending to sleep or maybe it was swim, but not throwing a tantrum

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