Wednesday, March 9, 2016

28 Weeks Baby #2

March 6, 2016
(I hate this week's pictures, but someone was in a mood after her nap (and I'm just huge, so I don't really look good in anything)
How far along? 28 weeks
Stretch marks? sigh, yes
Sleep: not falling asleep until after 11pm, up every single day at 4am because my hips hurt so bad, and waking up 3-4 times to flip over
Exercise: BarreAmped 1-2x a week, Knocked Up Fitness Prenatal Sculpt 3-4x a week, trying to walk more now that isn't warming up
Weight Gain: 25+ lbs which I'm having a hard time trying to swallow that pill.
Best moment this week (or the past few weeks): Charlee got to see her first show at the theater, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood!  Oh my gosh, she was so excited!  She sang to every single song and danced and clapped along.  Not going to lie, I teared up when the show started because she had the biggest smile on her face (damn pregnancy hormones). 
Movement: lots of movement at night. Baby sister really enjoyed Daniel Tiger too and kicked along to the whole thing
Food cravings: nothing really sounds all that appealing, but I still find enough to stuff in my face during the day which is why I gained 7lbs in the past 4 weeks :(
Anything making you queasy or sick:still nauseous every few days.  The past few days have started with toast because I can't force anything else down.
 Have you started to show yet: big belly.  As Charlee would say "Mommy, too big!"
Gender: baby sister!
Labor Signs: none, braxton hicks starting up again.  I get a 1-3 every night
Symptoms: nausea, awful nerve separation pain near my right ribs (read feels like someone lit my stomach on fire, but it's numb to the touch), back pain, hip pain at night and early morning
Belly Button in or out? in, but probably not for long. It's more just flat, not in or out.
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: It seems like spring is here and we are all enjoying the warmer weather.  Charlee loves playing outside and going to the park.  She also knows that warmer weather means that baby sister will be here soon and come to the park with us.  She has also decided that she will ride in the bottom seat of the stroller and baby sister can be on the top.
Some days when I'm feeling particularly crappy or nauseous, I'm not the best person to be around.  My fuse gets very short and I feel like a horrible person and an awful mom.  I do a lot of apologizing and crying.

Dear baby sister,

It's so hard to believe that in less than 3 months, you will be here!  We talk about you a lot and all the things Charlee wants to do with you or give you.  You still don't have a name, but Charlee didn't either until she was born.

We were told to register at the hospital now, which is just crazy!  I'm not ready to register yet.  I know then next 12 weeks will fly by, but I think I need a little more time to get everything ready for you (and for me to adjust to the idea of having 2 little girls.  I might be stressing out just a little about how I'm going to juggle you and Charlee).

Your kicks are getting bigger and more powerful.  Your big sister hasn't felt you kick yet, but she's also a little impatient and won't wait for you to kick.  She just pushes on my stomach thinking it makes you kick.  I'm also starting to feel your hiccups more.  Hopefully you get them during the day and not at 4am every day like Charlee did.

Keep growing, little girl!  We love you so much!



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