Sunday, July 28, 2013

24 Weeks

Despite my wardrobe, it is in fact the end of July.  Just an unseasonably cool weekend that felt like October.

Baby Girl is the size of a cantaloupe!  She is about 11.8 inches and weighs anywhere from a pound to 20oz!
Her skin is more opaque and pink.

How far along? 24 weeks!

Maternity clothes? I was so tempted to buy another long skirt at Target today (it was on clearance!) but refrained because I don't need an abundance of maternity clothes that I will only wear for another 3 months.  But I might cave and go back and get it.

Stretch marks? not yet

Sleep: My hips haven't been hurting too bad this week, but I'm still tossing and turning, which is a feat considering I sleep with two pillows between my legs and under my belly.  So that means with every turn the pillows needs to come with too.  SOMEONE has decided that she is a night owl and has enjoyed keeping me up from 2-3am kicking and bouncing.

Best moment this week: made some artwork for the nursery.  My friend found out she is also having a little girl (now we can have girly play dates! Well we would have had play dates regardless, but so excited for her!)
I got to have breakfast with Team Trio this past weekend and it was so good to catch up with Katie and Nicole.  I really miss our days at the Pi Phi house and being on exec together.
Then I got to have dinner with my bestest friends from elementary school, Katie and Liz!  And the little lady got to "meet" her future husband, John (Liz's little man).

Miss Anything? sleeping and not having back pain

Movement:Last weekend she was pretty active.  She gave me a couple of good slugs that made me jump while having breakfast with Katie and Nicole.  Then she was pretty quiet this week until Friday morning when she was up in the wee morning hours for a good hour between 2-3am.

Food cravings: no big cravings, but I got some delicious red grapes from Aldi and they did not disappoint.

Walking: the girls and I got in some good long walks this week.  Thankfully it has really cooled off so we can go on a 4-5 mile walk every morning.
Moms Into Fitness 2nd trimester:  cardio a few times.  I'm starting to get bored of this.
Pregnancy Bar Method DVD: 2x this week

Anything making you queasy or sick: been a little nauseous this week, probably because of something I ate.  It usually happens mid morning.

Gender: Pretty little lady!  

 Labor Signs: nope

Symptoms: Back pain, stomach aches, hip pain, no sleep

Belly Button in or out? in, but not for long :(

Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: I've just been indifferent this week.  Andrew finally came home after a long work weekend in Florida, so it has been nice to have him around again.  We found out that Burlington Coat Factory couldn't, in fact, order our crib, so Monday was spent SOBBING.  But we soon found a new crib that is currently being shipped (from Walmart of all places).  I'm just happy to start checking things off of the very long list of everything we still need to get done.
I started to have a mini freak out session this week as reality is setting in that I will not be going back to school in a month.  I am thrilled to have the opportunity to stay home and care for our family, but I'm nervous for the day when I will want/need to go back to work and getting back into it.  I HATE interviewing and am already dreading that even though it is at least 6-7 years down the road.  And I don't even know if I will go back to teaching, but what would I do then?  I'm just worrying to worry.

Looking forward to: Getting our crib and setting it up.  Little Lady and I have our 24 week appointment on Monday (which isn't an exciting one, just heartbeat and Q&A with doctor)
Next week we will be in Lutsen, MN for my mom's family reunion.  I'm not looking forward to the drive, but it will be nice to see my aunts and uncles.

Dear Little Lady,

Or Miss Sassy Pants, as I like to call you, because you like to slug me but then immediately stop when I tell your daddy to come feel.  You also like to keep me up at all hours of the night.  And you even decided you wanted to join in on prenatal yoga this weekend and started punching me as soon as class started.

We had a little drama this week.  We thought we had your crib all ordered and were thrilled to check that off of the long list of things we need to get done.  But then the store called to tell me that they couldn't order the crib after all and mommy had a bit of a meltdown.  Thankfully we found another one pretty quickly online from a brand that has wonderful reviews and ordered it right away.  It should be here next week!

I also spent some time painting some artwork for your room and making some posters.  Of course, I don't know how these posters will print up and it will probably be another source of tears, but it's the lyrics to "Your Song" by Elton John which is the song your daddy and I danced to at our wedding and perfectly sums up how we feel about you.  It will look so good in your room if I can pull it off.

Your sisters and I have been going on some pretty long walks this week and you tend to enjoy it.  You usually start moving about when we get back.  I can tell you're getting big and strong in there!  Of course you getting bigger means that mama gets bigger and mama feels like a house these days, especially when I see other pregnant women who are just itty bitty.  We won't even talk about prenatal yoga and the fact that I was the largest person there.

We're getting ready to go up to Lutsen, MN this next week for the Orman family reunion on my mom's side (your Gma Marcia).  I'm gearing up for the name question and no, you do not have a name yet and no, we have not discussed it.  You will not have a name until you decide to make your big debut.  And even if we come up with a list of a few names that we like for you, we'll just give people dummy names if they ask because I don't want to hear people's opinions (and everyone has one).  We'll find a name for you that will be just perfect, but we have some time to decide.

On Saturday, your daddy and I took you to Cave of the Mounds (pictures below).  It's a good thing we went now because soon I don't think I'll be able to fit through those narrow passageways with this belly.  It was a tight squeeze in some spots.  We do have our season passes until next February, so maybe we'll pop you in the ErgoBaby and take you on a little field trip.

It's hard to believe that you'll be here in just over 3 months.  We're so excited, but so not ready.  So just keep taking your time and growing in there; we're in no hurry out here :)

Love you,

Your mama

Pictures of our Cave of the Mounds trip

Going for a short hike after our cave tour
 Andrew was determined to find all the sink holes.
 And there was even a BABY sink hole :)

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