Friday, July 19, 2013

23 weeks

 OMG we won't even talk about how awful these pictures are!  But Andrew was going to Florida and I wanted to get the picture before he left for work, so you get a post-early morning dog walk pic.

Baby Girl is the size of a grapefruit!  She is about 11.5 inches and weighs a little over a pound pound!
Baby's cute little face is fully formed, just needs a little more fat to fill it out.

How far along? 23 weeks!

Maternity clothes? regular clothes are nearly non-existent at this point.  Surprisingly, I can still fit into some non-maternity tank tops for working out and walking, and thankfully, I mainly wore dresses before baby bump, so most still fit.

Stretch marks? not yet

Sleep: ugh, I dread going to sleep now.  Isn't that sad?  I used to love sleep, but I wake up every 1.5 to 2 hours to flip over because my hips start to hurt so much.  Poor Andrew is suffering too.  I think I may have to move to a guest bedroom soon so he can get some sleep.

Best moment this week: My mom and I painted the nursery!  (And I cleaned the carpets, woohoo!) 

Miss Anything? sleeping and being able to sit or stand for longer than a few minutes at a time.  Back pain is getting worse and worse.  Andrew was nice enough to take me to Walgreens this week to get a heating pad in hopes that it would help.  So now I constantly have either an ice pack or heating pad on my back.

Movement:She's been a mover and a shaker this week.  She likes to move at night after dinner and in the morning after going on a long walk or eating breakfast.  Andrew has been able to feel her a few times now and she's getting strong enough to make my belly move.  It's so bizarre to see my stomach bounce up and down, but I giggle every time.

Food cravings: not necessarily a craving, but I've eaten quite a bit of Culver's custard this past week and it has been delicious!

I officially hung up my jogging shoes last week.  Between the heat, humidity, and extra weight, it's just too much for me. 
Moms Into Fitness 2nd trimester:  Strength and cardio every other day
Pregnancy Bar Method DVD: 2x this week
Walking: Andrew, the girls, and I walk about 3 miles every morning before he heads off to work.  It's been unbearably hot this week, so the pups only get one long walk every morning because then it's just too hot for them (and me)

Anything making you queasy or sick: been feeling pretty ok this week

Have you started to show yet: this is the last week for this question.  I've got quite the belly so it's pretty obvious that I've got a baby belly

Gender: Pretty little lady!  We've been enjoying buying cute little dresses :)

 Labor Signs: nope

Symptoms: Back pain, stomach aches, hip pain

Belly Button in or out? in, but not for long :(

Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: both. This week started out pretty rough.  I get overwhelmed pretty easily with everything that we still have to do before she gets here, so Sunday I was a crying hot mess.  Andrew was so sweet to put up with me in the car driving back from IL and sitting with me the rest of the day.  My mom came up the next day to help paint the nursery then we did a little baby shopping.  It was really great to have her here and to not have to be all by myself during the day.

Looking forward to:  heading back to Geneva this week to be with my family and see some friends.  I'm not a fan of Andrew traveling, so I'd rather go stay with my parents than sit by myself at home.
Baby girl and I are having brunch with Team Trio (aka Katie and Nicole) on Saturday and I can't wait to see them.  Katie came to our baby party a few weeks back, but I haven't seen Nicole since I was 6 weeks pregnant.

Dearest baby girl,

Your room is slowly coming together!  Your daddy put up your closet organizer last week.  And this week your Gma Marcia and I painted it a really pretty gray (and it has a tint of blue).  Unfortunately, we haven't had as much luck with finding curtains or bedding.  But I guess we should find a crib first, right?  I think your daddy and I might have found one, but I'm going to look this weekend before we bite the bullet and order it online. (***Update: I went in and ordered your crib this morning (Friday), so you officially have a place to sleep!)

Your Gma bought you some very cute outfits this past week.  I can't wait for you to wear all the cute little dresses!  Although it is really difficult to shop for you.  Your uncle Sam and I weren't very big babies, but your daddy and your uncles Chris and Ben were bigger.  I feel like you might be a big baby, but I also have a feeling you'll throw us for another loop and be a little peanut.  You're good at keeping us on our toes.

You have also been quite the mover this week!  You've been in there doing back flips and working on your kicking and punching.  I look forward to sitting after dinner and watching you punch and kick my belly.  You are getting so strong!  Strong enough to kick/punch through that placenta and make my belly jump.  I'm thankful because now Daddy can feel you too and I know how much he loves it.

This pregnancy thing is still so surreal to me.  I've wanted it for so long and I know you're in there.  I mean, I've seen you on the ultrasounds, heard your little heartbeat, felt you punch and kick, and even seen you move my belly up and down, but it's still just surreal.  Some days I can't believe it.  We're getting ready for you and buying you things and tiny little clothes, but some days I just can't believe that in 4 short months, you will be here.  But just remember, you still have FOUR months of growing to do.  You do not have to be an early bird like your daddy and get here in three months.  You just take your time and do all the growing you need to do.

Love you, little one.

your mama

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