Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Exercise: 2nd Trimester Edition

We're a little late in the game on this one, folks.  Especially considering we are well into the third trimester!  I should probably just to a combo update to make it easier for my preggo brain to think through (and remember!)

You can check out the 1st Trimester Exercise edition here.

Exercise has become very different with this big old belly.  Gone are the days of jogging and plyometrics.  I was lucky to be able to jog about 3 days a week until I hit 21 weeks.  Truth be told, I probably could have lasted longer, but it just got too uncomfortable.

It's been interested how my activity level has changed as I've gotten bigger.  I would be out of breath walking across the room (still do).  Squats because increasingly difficult.  Ab exercises just became too uncomfortable.

However, I tried to stick with a routine throughout my second trimester.
1. for my sanity
2. to keep my weight in check

My second trimester was all during the summer months.  Since even in Wisconsin it gets ridiculously hot, that meant any outside workouts needed to be done in the morning hours.  Anything else was done in the cool basement.

Workout #1: Walking

I walked the dogs about 3 miles every morning.  If I was lucky, Andrew would join us (usually I was not lucky).  We'd get up and leave before 6am and walk the neighborhood.  If it wasn't too hot, we would usually get out for another 2 mile walk mid-morning.
Walking has felt the best on my joints (ankles, shins, and knees in particular).

Workout #2: Jogging

I was able to job regularly, every other day, until about half way through my 2nd trimester.  By week 21, I was just feeling too big and uncomfortable to actually push through it anymore.  This would usually be in place of our 2 mile mid-morning walk since I could usually jog about 2 miles (so sad when I used to do 4-5 miles a day and 7.5 mile runs on the weekends. *Sigh*)

Occasionally, we would bust out a jog, sometimes a slog/wog (slow jog or walk/jog, if you will).  I could usually do this while walking the dogs and we would only jog for about 1-2 minutes at a time probably 4-5 times during out 3 mile walk.  This was about the time that I felt too big to run the whole 2 miles, but felt like I could do more.  By the time 3rd trimester hit?  yeah right!

Workout #3:

The Bar Method
I am a HUGE fan of bar workouts.  I like doing them better at the yoga studio than in my own home, but we're on a budget, people.
I did the regular Bar Method DVD until midway through 2nd trimester when my belly just got too big, then I switched to the pregnancy version.  This was my strength training and I could tell that the extra weight was really pushing me to my limits.  I also liked that I didn't have to have a ton of weights to do these workouts; I could use my own body weight.  The lower body exercises at the bar are my favorite. (And when you have an unfinished basement, your husband can install a chair rail/stair banister to act as your ballet bar and it only costs about $5!)

Workout #4:

Moms Into Fitness 2nd Trimester Workouts
Also my strength training go-to and cardio workouts.  I found these on a google search looking for other pregnancy workouts I could add to my walking and Bar Method (I was getting bored).  And good news: Free Trial!  Even better?  The workouts are only about 20 minutes a piece.  Not that I'm super busy and need to get going, but it was nice that I wasn't spending my whole day working out.
The strength training is great because it's tailored to your growing belly.
I also like to pair it with the cardio workout to get my blood pumping a little more.  And yes, I would be huffing and puffing along.

I've read that exercising throughout pregnancy is not only beneficial to mama, but to baby too.  So I have been trying to stay as active as possible.  I'm also hoping that it will help me lose all this weight that I have gained (ugh, let's not even talk about THAT number).

Any favorite pregnancy workouts?

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