Monday, October 21, 2013

36 weeks

Once again, mama is moving slow with these weekly updates.  This past week has kicked my butt and I think it's just going to get harder and harder on me, so cut me a little slack with not posting when I should ;)

John and Izzy's wedding!

Baby Girl is apparently still the size of a honeydew melon or a head of romaine lettuce! (it really depends on what website you look at)   She is over 18 inches from head to feet and weighs almost 6 lbs!

She's getting closer to being able to breathe on her own.  Her liver and kidneys are in working order!

How far along? 36 weeks 2 days

Maternity clothes? The belly just keeps getting bigger and bigger so it's all yoga pants, big shirts, maternity dresses, etc.

Stretch marks? unfortunately, yes.  Just little ones though.

Sleep: Sleep is awful.  I'm always exhausted, but I hate when nighttime comes because I know that I won't be able to fall asleep and that I'll be up again at 2am (and sometimes 3am and 4am), then up for good by 6am.  My hips just hurt all the time, so I'm constantly flipping over.  And I'm still super congested so I can't breathe at night :(

Best moment this week:
We went to the last Marquette wedding this past weekend.  It was so great to see everyone and it's hard to believe that the next time we all get together, baby girl will be here!  I am truly so thankful for this group of friends and I love that everyone still keeps in touch and we are still able to get together.

Miss Anything? SLEEP!

Movement: She still bounces around all the time.  It's been funny seeing people's reactions when they feel her (Brittany wanted to feel her at the wedding and baby girl gave her a pretty big kick!)  She still gets hiccups, but those are starting to calm down (which I am thankful for.  I'm not a fan of the hiccups).

Food cravings: Nothing.  Food is just not appealing right now.

I have not been diligent with exercise this past week.  Either I have been too exhausted or I just don't feel well.
The girls and I went for a few walks (about every other day) last week.  It was rainy last week and chilly, so we weren't very motivated to get out.  And we've cut our walks short.  We're now down to about 3 miles a day, sometimes 3.5 or 4 if we're lucky.
I'm still going to prenatal yoga twice a week.  This is also getting harder and harder as my belly gets bigger.  It's also been hard to do yoga when I'm so congested.

Anything making you queasy or sick: food, lack of sleep, heartburn

Gender: Pretty little lady!  

Labor Signs: not yet.  I have been getting more stomach aches this past week and little aches and pains.

Symptoms: Heartburn, stomach aches, achy hips (pulled a muscle in my inner thigh so I hobble/waddle all the time now)

Belly Button in or out? not really in or out

Wedding rings on or off? ring is off.  I can probably still wear it, but then I have a feeling I just won't be able to get them off one day.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Anxious and moody this past week.  I'm officially ready for baby to come.  I know that I have said that I still want more time with just the two of us (and I still do), but I think I'm ready for her to come at any time now.
I have been so exhausted and my hips/pelvis/legs hurt pretty much all the time, so I have been an emotional mess.  This morning was spent in tears because I'm just emotionally drained and overall exhausted. 

Looking forward to:
36 week appointment this afternoon

Dearest baby girl,

I can't believe your "due date" will be here in less than 4 weeks!  Your daddy and I are so excited to meet you!  Your daddy talks about you being here all the time.  He was talking to your Grandma Beth last night and I could hear the excitement in his voice as he talked about you and when we'll have to go to the hospital.  You already have him wrapped around your little finger :)

I have been the one who has been more nervous and just not ready.  I don't know what's changed, but I'm ready for you to be here.  Maybe I'm tired of waddling to the bathroom every hour or you jabbing me in the pelvis that sends shooting pains in my stomach and legs, but I'm ready.  We have everything ready in your room and your hospital bag is packed (your outfit is picked out and cloth diapers are packed).  I still need to pack my bag and will next week.  Your daddy is adamant that I have my bag packed NOW.

I like to mention your big sisters in every letter to you because they are our babies too and will be a big part of your life.  Your big sister Maddie LOVES all of your little toys and your room.  She wishes all of it was hers.  I think you will have some competition with her :)  She is going to handle this whole baby thing the hardest.  She's been our baby for the past two years, so she's not adjusting to big sister status very well.  Your big sister Lucy is kind of indifferent to all of your things right now.  I think it will take her awhile to adjust to you and your schedule/noises, but I also think she will turn out to be very protective of you, just like she is of me and your daddy.

You've been pretty quiet today, so we'll see what the doctor says about that.  Definitely not your usual sassy self.  I'm anxious to see if you will be an early bird like your daddy and fashionably late like your mama (I would prefer early bird, but maybe give us another week or two, ok?  I would love to keep you in until at least 38 weeks to make sure you've grown enough!)

Love you,
your mama

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