Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Pregnancy Exercise: 1st Trimester

I've been meaning to write a post about exercise for some time now. And now that we're well into the second trimester, better get started on writing about the first trimester!

Ever since college, I have tried to be really active.  I got really into running during student teaching.  I remember being that crazy obsessive runner who got up every morning at 6am during our Disney trip to run 4 miles before going to the parks.  CRAZY.

Since then I've gotten really into workout dvds and Andrew and I were hardcore walkers when we were training for the 3Day.  However, once we got pregnant, exercise got scaled back.  There were days in the beginning that I was either too tired to get up and workout or I just didn't feel well enough to get my butt out of bed.

Weeks 4-8: I was still exercising pretty regularly and my workouts didn't change much.  I was still feeling pretty good and able to keep up with my Jillian Michaels' Ripped in 30 dvds (with a few modifications).

The latter half of the first trimester wasn't as great as the first half.  I just got too tired and fought occasional nausea.

BUT I did get a new workout dvd that I really enjoy.  I started doing the Bar Method Change your Body workout and Andrew even installed a bar in the basement for me.  (I also got the pregnancy workout, but didn't start that until week 18).

Now it's not as good as the actual BarreAmped classes that I've taken at Dragonfly Hot Yoga, but it's good enough. (which if you are in the Madison area, you must take this class.  It is awesome and you will feeling it the next day.  Heck, you'll feel it right after you leave class!)

As the weather got warmer, I was able to jog on a regular basis again.  I know there are many people out there who are very against running while pregnant.  And I get it, I totally get it.  But I'm not asking for your unsolicited advice about what I should do for me and my baby, so zip it.  Also realizing that I say "jogging" and not "running."  My pace took a serious nosedive and there are frequent walking breaks.  And I can't do distances anymore.  I've topped out at 2.8 miles and even that is going to be scaled back.  Jogging pregnant is also only something I can do 1-2 times a week.  As I began getting bigger, I can feel it when I jog and it's harder to get going.  I'm hoping to keep up the jogging for another few weeks but only go 1-2 miles a few times a week.  I've also found that I can only run really early in the morning before it gets sunny or hot.  Otherwise, I get awful headaches for the rest of the day.

Walking.  With 2 dogs, it's a daily routine for us.  Throughout the first trimester, I would try to walk the girls for about 1-2 miles every morning and then another long walk in the afternoon.  Now this doesn't even compare to our 3Day training schedule last year, but it's one thing that is super easy to keep up with.

Exercise modifications:
  • Moderation!  I can't go full-out like I used too.  I would get winded too easily.
  • Easy Cardio: No more plyometrics or hardcore cardio like I used to.  I would get out of breath just walking down the hall at school.  Anything in Jillian Michaels that required jumping, like jump squats, would just get done without the jumping.
  • Take breaks.  I've learned to listen to my body more and not the Nike+ mileage or the dvd.  If I got too out of breath or wasn't feeling it, I would take a break and walk around.
  • Listen to your body.  There were days when working out just wasn't going to happen.  I was either too tired or just wasn't feeling it and that's OK.  I wasn't getting a lot of sleep in the first trimester, so that was my number one priority over getting up at 5am to get a 30 minute workout in.  Those were the days that I would take the girls on a long walk in the afternoon to make up for it.
Now I know that there are some people who can go all out when pregnant and not change their exercise a bit.  Who are still super fit and will bounce right back after baby.  There are also people who just have horrible symptoms and just can't get the working out part in because baby has other plans.  I'm thankful to have been able to do what I have done.  I want to be able to continue to stay active to help my body bounce back, but also be a good role model for the little one.  Plus, exercise is good for baby, just don't overdo it.

Actually, working out in my second trimester has been my favorite.  I can't wait to do that blog post.  I've found some really great videos for strength training and have been able to keep up with jogging.  But we'll see what I say as this belly gets bigger ;)

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