Sunday, September 29, 2013

33 weeks

Baby Girl is the size of a durian! (What is a durian?)  She is over 18 inches from head to feet and weighs about 4.5lbs!
Her pupils can adjust to light and dark now. She keeps her eyes open while awake.
Her bones are starting to harden.

How far along? 33 weeks and feeling very BIG

Maternity clothes?There's not a lot that fits this belly anymore.  I'm already worried about what I'm going to wear for the baby shower in two weeks and the wedding in three weeks.  Thankfully, I don't have to get dressed up every day, so it doesn't really matter what I look like (although I do feel better when I actually get dressed up and have something to do).
New this week: my shoes don't fit!  Even my tennis shoes are tight!

Stretch marks? nope

Sleep: Sleep is better, but I'm still exhausted.

Best moment this week:
We had out 32 week doctor's appointment.  Baby is head down and butt up!  We hope that she will stay that way and doesn't decide to do some acrobatics and start flipping around.

Miss Anything? clothes that fit, shoes that fit, not getting out of breath when walking

Movement: She is moving a ton!  I had Arbonne training all day Saturday in Chicago and she was bouncing around the whole time trying to make more room.  She also gets lots of hiccups, usually early in the morning and late at night.

Food cravings: candy corn and anything salty.  I love roasted potatoes or french fries.  Roasted potatoes have been a staple in our house for a few months now.

Still keeping up with our 4-5 mile walks every morning.  The weather has been beautiful, so the girls and I are keeping up with this for as long as we possibly can.
I only did the Moms Into Fitness 3rd Trimester workout once this week.  I just wasn't feeling it.

Anything making you queasy or sick: nope

Gender: Pretty little lady!  

Labor Signs: nope

Symptoms: achy hips and shoulders from sleeping on one side for too long, congested at night.

Belly Button in or out? still in

Wedding rings on or off? I had to take my wedding ring off this morning.  It's starting to get too tight and I don't want to get to the point where I can't get it off at all.

Happy or Moody most of the time: My indifferent feelings continue this week.  I can be happy one minute and sobbing the next because I'm just overwhelmed with everything and the lack of time we have until baby arrives.  We're definitely in the nesting stage though.  I've begun to wash all the diapers and Andrew has installed the car seat and brought up all the baby things for the dogs to get used to.
newborn diapers drying in the sun

I can't believe how fast time is flying now and that it will be October this week!  Back in March, November seemed so far away and now it will be here in the blink of an eye!

Looking forward to:
IL baby shower in two weeks :)

I was also busy making some baby headbands this week!  We're trying not to be all pink and girly with the outfits, and some of the little boy things are so cute!  So she needs some girly headbands to go with them.

Dearest baby girl,

You and I are getting bigger and bigger!  You'll start to gain about a half of a pound a week from here on out, crazy!  It also makes this mama a little nervous because my belly is already very big (someone yesterday asked if I was having twins and another said that she couldn't believe I still had a month left because I was already so big! Add that to the list of things never to say to a pregnant woman).

Your mama, daddy, and big sisters are trying to get ready for your arrival.  We still have a lot to do (*cough* buy a mattress and a changing pad *cough*), but we're getting there.  I started washing all of your diapers and your daddy installed your car seat and hung the stroller up in the garage.  We brought up the baby bouncers to get the girls used to seeing them.  Maddie still cries when she goes into your room.  She knows that big changes are coming and she's not ready for them.  She's used to being the baby!  Lucy just steers clear of it all right now.  She was mama's (and daddy's) first baby, so you will take some getting used to (just like she had to get used to her little sister Maddie).

You get hiccups at least 2-3 times a day.  In fact, you're hiccuping away right now.  You really like to do it at night when I want to go to bed and at 4am.  I hope this isn't a look into the future.  If it is, you are going to be a night owl and an early bird.  I hope you inherit your dad's love of sleep though.

 Whatever sleep pattern you inherit and decide to stick to, you are definitely going to give us a run for our money and keep us on our toys.  Can't believe you will be here in a month and a half.

Your mama

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