Sunday, October 6, 2013

34 Weeks

Baby Girl is the size of a butternut squash!   She is over 18 inches from head to feet and weighs about 5 lbs!

She can start recognizing frequently sung songs and will recognize them after birth.  Do you think she will be soothed by Katy Perry's "ROAR"?  I guess I need to start practicing my lullabies.

How far along? 34 weeks and having a hard time bending over to put on shoes!

Maternity clothes? I live in yoga pants and I'm hoping that the weather will stay warm for a few more weeks so I can continue to wear dresses and flip flops.

Stretch marks? nope

Sleep: Back to tossing and turning at night and feeling absolutely EXHAUSTED every day.

Best moment this week:
baby is still moving a lot!  I'm trying to enjoy all the little kicks in the ribs and hiccups because they will be over before I know it.

Miss Anything? clothes that fit, shoes that fit, not getting out of breath when walking

Movement: She is still desperately trying to make more room in there by kicking and stretching.  I constantly have little feet in my ribs.  She usually gets hiccups at least 3 times a day: early morning, sometime in the afternoon, and late at night.

Food cravings: Love roasted potatoes!  We got sweet potatoes this week in our CSA and we made some french fries, but it just wasn't the same.

Still keeping up with our 4-5 mile walks every morning.  The weather has been beautiful, so the girls and I are keeping up with this for as long as we possibly can.
Prenatal yoga at Dragonfly Hot Yoga and at Meriter this week.  It's definitely getting a lot harder to do yoga.  Sometimes I feel like my wrists are going to snap with all the extra weight I have to support in plank and downward dog.

Anything making you queasy or sick: nope

Gender: Pretty little lady!  

Labor Signs: nope

Symptoms: the cankles are back this week!  My ankles have been getting so swollen which is probably part of the reason why my shoes don't fit well anymore.  I get very congested at night which contributes to my lack of sleep.

Belly Button in or out? still in

Wedding rings on or off? The wedding ring is officially off and in its ring box.  It will probably still fit, but I don't want to get to the point where it won't come off at all.

Happy or Moody most of the time:We've had a stressful week at the Loeffler house, mostly with work, not so much with baby.  I'm still overwhelmed knowing that she will be here in just about a month, but we'll be ready whether we think we are or not.
Most of the baby stuff is up from the basement and Maddie continually wants to play with the toys on the bouncers.  The baby car seat is installed so we drive around with an empty car seat in the back all the time now.  In fact, Andrew drove it to Chicago this weekend for a bachelor party :)
We're busy getting ready for the last baby shower this next weekend.  After that, we will be scrambling to get all of the last minute necessities.
Andrew is starting to get more excited about baby.  Our birthing class last week focused on baby's first few days at home, so he was able to relate a little more to that than the labor part.  He's going to make such a good daddy, even if he does want to dress her in boy clothes all the time :)

Looking forward to:
IL baby shower in two weeks :)

In all seriousness, as much as I complain about the joys of pregnancy, I really do love it.  I think the reason that I keep telling people that I'm not ready for baby to be here yet is because I'm not ready to not be pregnant anymore.  Yes, I am ginormous, I waddle, I've had awful back pain and numbing nerve pain, I hardly fit into anything I own (clothes and shoes), I can't sleep half the time.  But every time I feel her kick and squirm, I love it and forget all of the things that I complain about.  People have told me that 2nd trimester is the honeymoon phase and by 3rd trimester you will be ready for it to be over.  I disagree.  I have loved 3rd trimester.  I have a big bowling ball of a belly, but I can feel her kick and move and hiccup every single day and that makes me smile.  I feel like 1st trimester you just worry about if everything is ok and for the first half of the 2nd, you do the same.  I didn't start feeling the baby until 21 weeks and that was still sporadic.  And now Andrew can feel her move all the time too and in the second trimester, he couldn't for a long time.
And while I say I love this whole pregnancy thing and love 3rd trimester, I will probably be singing a different tune in a few weeks ;)

What a difference a summer makes! (and yes, I realize I am wearing purple in all three pictures.  Total coincidence!)

Dear baby girl,

You are getting sassier and sassier!  You enjoy wedging your little feet up under my ribs and pushing to try to make a little more room in there.  Sorry, little one, that's all the room you're going to get.  You're gaining about 1/2 a pound a week, so you're going to be taking up the extra room in there (I'm not making anymore!)

We're less than 6 weeks until you're estimated D-Day!  I can't believe it!  Your daddy is getting very excited, I'm still nervous and just not quite ready.  I can't wait to meet you, but I just need a few more weeks of being a family of two before you rock our world.

Your final baby shower is this next weekend!  Everyone is so excited to celebrate you!  Your glammas are busy getting all the details together.  I can't wait to post pictures of all of it in the next few weeks (I still need to post some pictures from your first baby shower).

We're almost done with your room.  We still need to get a mattress for your crib and a changing pad.  So you can't make your debut until we get all the necessities! There was a woman in yoga today who is 36 weeks and being induced this week.  I'm not ready for you to be here in 2 weeks!  Let's hold off until November, ok?

It's been a pretty boring week around here, so there's not much to report.  Although you are running out of room, you are still moving a ton.  You're starting to be more awake during the day.  You still keep me up at night, but are more active during the day now.  You even decided to participate in yoga today and were kicking up a storm by the end of class.

Love you!
your mama

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