Tuesday, March 22, 2016

30 Weeks with Baby #2

March 20, 2016

How far along? 30 weeks
Stretch marks? sigh, yes
Sleep: sleep is such a joke now.  I can never fall asleep and then I'm up at least 4 times a night to try to flip over (which is also laughable)
Exercise: BarreAmped 1-2x a week, Knocked Up Fitness Prenatal Sculpt 3-4x a week, walking a few miles a day
Best moment this week (or the past few weeks): I generally enjoy pregnancy, I really do, but I think I have just been so uncomfortable this past week that I'm drawing a blank on the "best" moment.  Honestly, things are pretty par for the course and there's not much new.  She's moving around a ton, Charlee is coming around to having a sister and talks about her a lot.
Movement: Lots of movement all the time now.  I think she has flipped a few times and could possibly be laying sideways.  As long as she's head down in the next 6 weeks, I don't care.
Food cravings: nothing, but I seriously need to get this eating under control.  The weight gain is getting ridiculous
Anything making you queasy or sick:not really
 Have you started to show yet: big belly, which is now starting to show in my face :(
Gender: baby sister!
Labor Signs: none
Symptoms: hip pain, my feet always hurt, back pain, weight gain, nerve separation causing numbness on my belly, and a slew of other symptoms that I really don't want to talk about
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Super emotional this past week.  I'm not happy with my weight gain and how I look.  I know I shouldn't care because in just two months, the baby will be here and I can start working on my new normal, but the number on the scale and how my clothes are starting to fit are not enjoyable. I don't mind the big belly at all, it's the puffy face, bigger arms, butt and thighs that I could do without.

Dear baby sister,

I tend to forget all of the unpleasant things about pregnancy.  After Charlee, I always thought about how much I loved it and couldn't wait to be pregnant again.  I do generally enjoy it and would do it all over again.  However, now looking back as am I experiencing all of the aches and pains with you (and you have been a sassy one putting us through the ringer with the hemorrhage, being breech, just dealing with recurrent miscarriage before you), that I am remembering all of the not so fun stuff with Charlee.  The hip pain, the back pain, the feeling huge, gaining weight in my face, the number on the scale, etc.  It's hard to get past some of the yucky stuff sometimes. 
But then I wash and fold all of Charlee's old clothes that you will soon wear and I can't believe how teeny tiny you will be.  How you'll snuggle in my arms to fall asleep.  The way your daddy will hold you and talk to you.  And getting to see Charlee become a big sister.  It makes all of the weight gain and aches and pains worth it.  (But in all seriousness, I better lose the weight fast because you and I are going to be out walking all the time.)
It's hard to believe that you will be here soon!  Although I'm still betting that you will be at least a week late like your sister.


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