Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Weeks 6-9: Baby #2

6 Weeks

How far along? 6 weeks
Maternity clothes? Not yet, but I am so tempted to bust out the maternity jeans.  I don't even bother trying to suck it in, just wear baggier clothes.
Stretch marks? no new ones... yet
Sleep: I have a hard time falling asleep and then I'm up every few hours to go to the bathroom
Best moment this week (or the past few weeks): finding out that we're pregnant and getting numerous beta tests done to make sure the levels are rising!  (We won't talk about how many pregnancy tests I have taken over the past 2 weeks.
Miss Anything? having more energy, not feeling like I'm going to puke
Movement: nope
Food cravings: carbs carbs and more carbs.  Nothing is appealing at all.  I think I may live on granola bars the next few weeks though
Anything making you queasy or sick: everything, just being awake.  It gets way worse after I have eaten
Have you started to show yet: lots of bloat, but only that I really notice. 
Gender prediction: It's anyone's guess until 20 weeks.  I want another girl and Andrew wants a boy
Labor Signs: nada
Symptoms: tired, nauseous, bloated, cramps, irritable
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: ugh so moody and irritable.  My fuse is much shorter.  We're also nervous to see what the next few weeks will bring.  After having two miscarriages, it's hard to be super excited about anything because you know it could all end.  But we're feeling pretty optimistic this time around!

How far along? 7 weeks
Maternity clothes? nope, just hiding in big college sweatshirts
Stretch marks? just the old ones, but I'm trying to keep new ones at bay with Zoe Organics Belly Butter
Sleep: I have the hardest time falling asleep, but then the progesterone makes me dizzy and knocks me out.  Unfortunately, because I couldn't fall asleep, I don't get as much sleep as I would have liked
Best moment this week (or the past few weeks): spending time with family
Miss Anything? not feeling so bloated and nauseous at night
Movement: nope
Food cravings: nope
Anything making you queasy or sick:middle of the afternoon is usually the worst in general
Have you started to show yet: so bloated
Gender prediction: hoping for another girl! but would be thrilled with a boy.  Don't care as long as he or she is healthy
Labor Signs: nada
Symptoms: fatigue, bloat, nausea, dizziness, irritability
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: trying to think very positive thoughts, but still leaning more towards moody

How far along? 8 weeks
Maternity clothes? nope, still rocking the college sweatshirts
Stretch marks? not yet, but I know they're coming
Sleep: same as the past few weeks, too little and so tired in the morning
Best moment this week (or the past few weeks): I thought I felt the baby move on Friday (10/16) as I was putting Charlee to bed.  I know it's way too early and it's probably just gas, but it reminded me when C used to move around
Miss Anything? SLEEP
Movement: maybe?
Food cravings: anything sour (sour gummy worms), refried beans
Anything making you queasy or sick: chicken, just the thought of it sounds gross.  I defrosted chicken breast to make at the beginning of the week and they are still sitting in the fridge because it just disgusts me
Have you started to show yet: just bloat
Gender prediction: girl, fingers crossed! 12 more weeks until we find out
Labor Signs: none
Symptoms: fatigue, bloat, nausea, dizziness, irritability
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: both. So excited for our first ultrasound on Monday (10/19)! We're really hoping to see a healthy baby, growing on schedule, with a strong heartbeat. Last time we did this in February, the outcome wasn't so great, so we're very excited but even more nervous.

How far along? 9 weeks
Maternity clothes? I did bust out the maternity jeans for a few hours because it was just too uncomfortable
Stretch marks? Sadly, I think I'm already starting to get new ones :( even though I use Zoe Organics Belly Butter every night.
Sleep: Insomnia for the first few hours and then I'm out cold due to the progesterone I'm taking, which is good and bad because then Andrew is the only one to wake up with Charlee or the dogs
Best moment this week (or the past few weeks): Seeing our baby at the 8w u/s!  Baby is measuring perfectly and has a heartbeat of 173!!  We were so incredibly nervous because flashback just 8.5months ago and the outcome wasn't so good.  
Miss Anything? Not having heartburn all the time and being able to eat without feeling sick.
Movement: no
Food cravings: nope
Anything making you queasy or sick: random foods and smells.  Spaghetti sounds absolutely disgusting and the smell of the sauce will send me running to the other room.
Have you started to show yet: yes.  The bloat is out of control
Gender prediction: I really really hope we have another girl, but I have a feeling this is a boy
Labor Signs: none
Symptoms: acne (bad), heartburn, dizziness, cramps, fatigue, mood swings
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy this week because we got to see our baby!  My mood swings have been out of control though.

Dear baby,

I can't believe we've made it this far!  After our ultrasound, things are becoming much more real.  We are so incredibly happy that you are growing strong and we can't wait to see you again in a few weeks.

Your big sister talks about you, but I don't think she fully understands what is going to happen.  She probably thinks you will be like a baby doll, silent and still.  She also thinks you will be a girl :)

We are still in disbelief that our family is growing and we will be adding you to the mix in May.  We have hoped for and dreamed about you for so long.  You have no idea how much we love you already and we want to you to keep growing and be healthy.



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