Tuesday, December 1, 2015

24 months! The BIG 2!!

November 24, 2015
Weight: 30 pounds
Height: 36 inches
Clothes: 2T and 3T

The picky eater is becoming more and more adventurous again (thank, God).  Although, if you look at these pictures, you would think that all she eats are donuts and cookies :D

C and I did a little sugar cookie baking and decorating together.
 The end result was delicious and deserved a "thumbs up!"
 Donuts with Daddy
 Chocolate face

Charlee loves having dance parties with Daddy after dinner
 She also likes to say "cheese!" whenever you have your phone or camera out
 And she likes to dress herself (especially wearing daddy's socks)
 C got a new kitchen for her birthday!

 She loves baking cookies in it :)
We work out together in the morning.
 And we love to color together.
 After Thanksgiving, we got out the little tree (no big tree this year since we will be traveling).  Charlee loved putting the ornaments on and loves to look at the lights every night.
 We met our BFF Aubrey at the library a few times this month.  These two girls love each other!


Mama slacked on Tot School this month.  Thankfully, Charlee goes to Seventeenth Radish for school twice a week for an hour each time so she gets the interaction and school atmosphere.

We did some fall bag decorating with stamps and stickers.
 And made ghosts with shaving cream paint.  BOO!
 I switched out her shape/color sort window to a jack-o-lantern (she was not as thrilled with it.  It's now a donut window).
 We practiced making shapes and lines with pasta
Charlee shoved different sized pom poms in the tubes to see how fast they would come out.  Some got stuck so she had to use a stick to get them out!
(Another beautiful outfit!)
 We gave our animals a shaving cream bath.
 C has mastered the pinching of the clothespins! She loves to match the colors.
 She also color sorted and counted her counting bears.
 And decorated a duck with glue sticks and paper.

Charlee wore her costume to her dance class and had lots of fun!

 We went trick-or-treating at Hilldale with Glammy.  Once she figured out that you get candy for saying "TREEE" and "hang you!," life was good.

 On Halloween, we went down to Stoughton to see our best friend Bowen and go trick-or-treating downtown.  Maybe next year we'll venture out in our neighborhood.

amarillo (with help)

Oh sweet girl,

I can't even believe that another year has gone by and you are TWO!  I feel like we just brought you home from the hospital and you were so tiny.  You are definitely a big girl now and you like to do things yourself.

You definitely keep us laughing with all of your funny sayings, dance moves, and silly faces.  You are quite the ham (although not in front of people you don't know or haven't seen for awhile).  You love to play with your friends and are very silly with them (Bowen and Aubrey being your BFFs).

You love to play pretend and cook in your kitchen. You're always bringing someone something to eat or drink that you whipped up in your kitchen. You will also pretend with your baby dolls (changing their diaper, feeding them, putting them down for a nap) and your Little People animals (having them eat out of the trough or drink from the well).

You LOVE to go to school!  You would stay all day if I let you (and if I could afford it).  I'm so glad that you have the opportunity to interact and socialize with other kids and adults.  And I'm thrilled that you are learning Spanish now :)

You are looking more and more like a big girl and less like my little baby (although you do still want to be a baby sometimes and ask the be held and rocked like a baby).  You are always on the move with dancing or running your way through life.


 The squishy face is my favorite.

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