Friday, April 24, 2015

17 months

April 24, 2015

Weight: 25.2 lbs
Height: 33 in (give or take)
Clothes: 2T

Girlfriend is a snacker, a grazer, not a meal eater.  It used to drive me insane, but whatever.  While we're still in the thick of toddler pickiness, I can see the light at the end of this dark tunnel.
She loves eating anything that Daddy is eating.  Charlee also loves to help cook and bake (mostly the scooping and dumping part).  I usually give her a bowl and a spoon so she can scoop the sugar or flour into a bowl while I cook.

Raspberries, blueberries, yogurt, Chobani yogurt pouches, mashed sweet potatoes, turkey, cheese, PB&J, pizza, bananas, pancakes, breakfast casserole, cheddar bunny crackers, bunny graham crackers, raisins
Mmmm PB&J
making pizza
eating ice cream :)
eating lemons, yuck!

feeding her puppy
sigh, eating a pouch

Just when I think we are back to sleeping through the night, she's up at 3am just for the heck of it.  We really can't complain though because she's asleep by 7:30-8 every night (bath time and stories at 7pm) and is up for the day around 6:30am.  We did thoroughly enjoy those days when she slept in until 7:30am.  Glorious.
I'm coming to terms with the fact that naps were my biggest parenting fail.  I so wish I would have stayed home more to get her on a schedule, but I think I would have gone insane.  She still can't decide if she needs one nap or two, but I think two is on the way out.  Now if she could figure out if she wants to keep the morning or the afternoon nap, that would be great.

Charlee LOVES to play with her cars, well Uncle Sam's old cars from when he was little.

She loves dancing with her dolls.

Big big fan of going to the park.  The slide is definitely a favorite of this little girl.  Good thing we have a few parks near us because we visit at least one a day.

Continuing with the scooping and dumping from cooking, she likes having corn meal in her sensory bin (that is only allowed on the deck).

Charlee loves being outside and helping Daddy plant trees.  

Dogs and Dinosaurs

We met friends at the zoo a few times.  Charlee loves seeing all the animals, especially the lemurs and the turtles.

We've spent a few days playing with our friends Levi and Eva (and baby sister Olivia).  Charlee and Eva are so cute together and Eva loves pushing her around in the car.

The Verona Library has also been a popular spot for us when the weather has been yucky.  And bonus: there's a slide!

Charlee visited Daddy at work at Epic for "take your child to work" day.  They had snacks, music, and games (really, they had this girl at "snacks.")

And no surprise here, we find ourselves at Target quite often.  But when you get such cute pics like this, how can you not??

words: dog, dad, mom, done, down, watch (when prompted), roar, woof, moo, coat


Dear silly girl,

I know every parent says this, but this has to be my favorite stage (and next month I will probably say it again).  However, I think I will stop by the time you get to middle school.  You are just so silly and have the funniest little personality.  I am amazed at how much you are learning every single day.

You love dogs and dinosaurs.  We can usually get you to eat something if we ask you to chew it like a dinosaur.  You like to "roar" like a dinosaur and say "woof" like a dog.  You have been making the rounds to meet all the neighborhood dogs.

You love to read.  We are always reading books.  I ask you to find something on the page and I'm amazed at how quickly you have picked it up and how you search to find it.

You know that when we go outside we need socks, shoes, and a coat (although not for much longer) and you will run to pick out a pair of shoes, then hug yourself and say coat.  We go for lots of walks and runs and usually end up at a park so you can go down the slide.

I just have so much fun with you every day.  I can't remember what life was like before you.  I look forward to all the new things you will do and and learn every day.  You are very headstrong and stubborn, and I am so very proud of the little lady you are becoming.  You make your daddy and I smile and laugh every single day.

Love you to the moon and back,
your mama


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