Sunday, May 24, 2015

18 months

May 24th, 2015

Weight: 26 lbs
Height: 34 in
Clothes: 2T

Food preferences are finally starting to level out again.  Girlfriend is a snacker, so sometimes getting those meals in is hard. I'm still struggling with making meals some days, but at least Charlee is back to eating meat so that makes it a little easier!  She loves using a fork or a spoon to eat.

grapes, blueberries, yogurt, bunny crackers, pouches, turkey, cheese, cheerios, bananas, PB&J, mac&cheese

We're officially done to one nap on most days, eek!  But we still aren't on a solid schedule, so I feel like most days we have to stay at home so she gets a good nap in.  If we go out in the morning, then we run the risk of the dreaded car catnap which means a late afternoon nap.  If we stay home to get late morning nap in, then we miss most activities in the morning and afternoon because it's hard to schedule around it. Why do naps have to be so hard?!

However, Charlee is back to sleeping through the night or only waking up once.  I credit this to the one nap in the middle of the day and essential oils.

We got a Cozy Coupe from a friend and Charlee loves it!  She cruises around the deck in her new wheels.
 No surprise, this girl loves to play the piano (and dance).
 Charlee loves to play with her Little People sets especially any of the ones that have dogs!  We currently have 4 dogs. 

 We spend a lot of time outside.  And now that the flowers are blooming, C loves to smell them.  It took a lot of practice, but we finally realize that you smell with your nose and not your mouth.
 Little big girl loves to walk her dogs.
 And warmer weather means lots of playing outside (with chalk and bubbles!)

 New toys for the deck include a slide and a water table.  Lots of fun for little miss thang.

Working out with mom in the basement.
 Playing dress up with mama's pretties.
 Playing with her new train table in her play room.

 Charlee loves to snuggle with Lucy.  Lucy, however, could do without the smothering.

We love going to the park! Charlee loves to swing.
 And this little big girl loves going down the slide.  She's getting pretty good at going down the big slides by herself.

 We spend a lot of time at the library too (mainly because there is a slide!).  She has started to like doing puzzles more and is so proud of herself because she can push the button to open the door!!
 We also visited the Fitchburg library for toddler art time where Charlee made a picture with noodles.
 Her friends, Jameson and Bowen (and mommy's friends, Brittany and Emily) came over for lunch and play time one day.  These three had tons of fun playing with cars on the deck.
 We also went to the zoo with our friends Levi and Eva! 
 Charlee loved watching the lion.  She's getting pretty good at her "ROAR!"  It's not very scary, but it sure is cute :)
We also met Levi and Eva at the Olbrich botanical gardens and these little friends had lots of fun running around together.

Visiting Glama and Pops
We went up to Holmen, WI for a weekend to visit Glama and Pops.  We visited a little hobby farm with lots of fun animals to see.  Charlee got to pet a sheep and run after the chickens!

 Of course we visited a park after and went down the slide A LOT.
 Reading with Pops.

Charlee can climb up in her high chair all by herself (which I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing).
She can use her feet to push herself forward in a push car/scooter.
She can go down the stairs when holding someone's hand.

mom, mommy, dad, dog, done, down, no, yeah, don't, roar, eyes, nose, head, hi, bye, ball, bubbles (which sounds a lot like "ball")

more, all done, bye, please, thank you, pig, duck, sheep, ball


Dear Little Big Girl,

You are growing up so very quickly!  Your daddy and I can't believe how much you have grown and how much you are changing and learning every single day.  You are such a little big girl!

You love your dogs so very much.  Every morning you pat your leg and call for them.  You love to snuggle with Lucy (and lay on top of her and pull her tail). You love to take them for walks.  You're also a very big help and feed them dinner every night.

You have been learning so many new words!  You can now say "no" and "yeah" and I'm so happy that you don't favor the word "no" but actually think about what you want.  You have the cutest little "no" though.  Daddy and I try hard not to laugh when you say it.

Every day I wake up with a smile because I know I get to see you.  You make me laugh all the time.  I love to see what new thing you will start doing or what adventures we will go on that day.  I can't wait to see what next month holds.

your mama



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