Friday, April 3, 2015

16 months!

March 24, 2015

Weight: 25 lbs
Height: 33 inches
Clothes: 2T

Miss Thang knows what she likes and most of the time it's not what mama makes.  A bout of the stomach flu didn't help our cause either.
Everything is a game, including how many times it will take to climb into her highchair.
Charlee also has a little "snack bar" in our kitchen (cookbook shelf).  It must be stocked at all times with at least two sippy cups of water and a bowl of cereal/raisins or crackers.


Oh my little nap monster.  Who are those moms with babies who sleep on schedule for hours at a time and how DO they do it?  C is still bouncing between one and two naps a day that could last 20 minutes to 2 hours.  I'm going to try my hardest not to lie down with her for naps because she is now used to someone always being there when she falls asleep.  But I have a really hard time letting her cry to go to sleep (I stand my ground with temper tantrums).
Bedtime has been rocky as a result of the needing someone there to fall asleep.  Andrew is much better at letting her cry and not giving in and sleeping on the floor with her.
And she's still waking up a few times a night every once and awhile which usually results in one of us sleeping on her floor in the middle of the night.

We spent a lot of time at the library this month because we needed to get out of the house and there is a slide there!  Charlee mastered the slide after just a few visits :)

We also went to the library for their weekly playtime which was lots of fun!

Charlee loves going for walks up and down the sidewalk.  We usually spend most of our time getting shoes and coats on and off so we can go on numerous walks (read 2 houses down and back).

This should come as no surprise, but we love dancing over here!  The music is always on and Miss C is perfecting her dance moves.  I love seeing how much she has learned and understands the songs.

She can do the actions to Itsy Bitsy and If You're Happy and You Know It (clapping, stomping, and "hooray!")

Big big fan of the car carts at Hyvee.

She also found Uncle Sam's big truck in a box in the basement and loves riding on it.  She also found all of his matchbox cars which are now all over the floor (careful where you step in the dark!)

The weather was finally nice here in WI, so we headed over to the zoo!  Charlee loved the rhinoceros and seals.  Last year we just walked around the zoo with her in the stroller not paying attention, so it's really fun seeing her get excited about the animals and having an opinion about what she wants to see next.

Also no surprise, girlfriend loves to read.  We read close to 20+ books a day (I'm sure much more).  Favorites include: The Pout Pout Fish, The Napping House, any dog book, any animal book.  She can point out things on the page if you ask.

We also like visiting Daddy at work. (yes, that is "work")

Words: if it begins with a "d" and is one syllable, we are golden! done, dog, dad, down, "dat", "moo"
Signs: please, thank you, pig, duck, more, bye, done
Charlee can high five and do the actions for "If You're Happy and You Know It"

Letter to Charlee

Dear little big girl,

I can't believe how fast you are growing up!  How can you already be 16 months old??  You are learning more and more every single day and it is so much fun watching you.  You LOVE to read and will pick out the books we read and can find different things on the page if we ask.

Now that you have mastered walking, you love to do it all the time.  We have to go outside a lot now for walks on the sidewalk.  Your dogs are enjoying going outside more :)  It will be so much fun when the weather gets warmer and we can play more outside.

Although you can't say as many words as some of your friends, you are a little sponge just learning so much.  You understand when we ask you questions and will respond by pointing, getting the object, or telling us in your own language.  You are starting to master other letter sounds besides "d."  "Ba" for the sheep was a recent one.  And the "n" is back.  You can also say "moo" (or rather "oo" most days) for a cow.  You are really getting the hang of sign language.  Although your manners are out the window and you rarely sign "please" or "thank you" anymore.  You can sign "pig," "duck," and "more" now.

You love snuggling and petting your dogs.  Your smile and laugh are infectious.  You keep us on our toes and keep us laughing.  You are very headstrong and want to get your way all the time (and when that doesn't happen, you lay on the floor and scream).  Each day you make us smile and amaze us with something new that you can do.  I can't wait to see what you learn next month.

Love you to the moon and back,
your mama


 Dancing with clean diapers on her head

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