Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Goals for Motherhood

Today I am linking up with Becky From Mrs. to Mama.

Since deciding to stay at home to be with our little lady (who is still incubating) and all future children, I've had some free time to think about what type of mom I want to be.  My mom was always the "cool mom."  I'm not really sure how or why she got that title or why my friends thought she was so "cool," but they did.  Don't get me wrong, my mom is pretty awesome and I would give anything to be just a fraction of the mom that she has been to me and my brother, but cool?  But I digress...

So what kind of mom do I want to be?

I want to be the person that my daughter and future kids can come to with anything: joys, sorrows, problems, advice. etc.

I want to be present in their lives and pay attention to every detail.

I want to provide a life for them that is happy and joyous.

I want to be a role model for them and teach them to follow their dreams, whatever they may be.

I want them to grow up in a loving household and show them what a loving marriage looks like (and that it takes work).

I hope to have more than one baby so I can give my daughter a sibling (hopefully siblings), lifelong friends, and a support system.

I want to show them what it means to be a good friend.

I want to have the freedom to take them to the library, the park, to playgroups, the zoo, the museum, etc. and not have to worry about being tied down to a job or adult commitments.

I want to provide them with social interactions and prepare them for school while still being able to stay at home with them.

I want my husband to be able to take time off of work to be with family and not have to worry about money.

I want them to know what it's like to dream big and to go for their dreams whatever they may be.  And that dreams change and you know what?  That's ok.  You don't have to do what your college degree says that you went to school for or what you told everyone in elementary school, high school, or college that you wanted to do for the rest of your life.

I want to love with them to the moon and back forever and ever.

We already love this peanut to infinity and beyond.
This is more of a list of what I want our lives to look like in the coming years as we transition to our new roles of mommy and daddy.  I am SO thankful that I have the opportunity to stay at home with my baby and future babies, but I also hope that I can give them everything that they should ever need and not have to worry about where the money will come from.  I want my husband to be able to enjoy his time as a dad and not have to worry about being the sole provider for our family.

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