Sunday, August 18, 2013

27 Weeks

Baby Girl is the size of a rutabaga!  She is about 14.5 inches and weighs just over 2 pounds!
Her eyes are starting to open and her retinas can begin to form! (Will you have big blue eyes like mama or beautiful green eyes like daddy, little girl?)

We're in the last week of the 2nd trimester and moving into the 3rd trimester next week.  Hard to believe that in just 3 months (give or take a few weeks) we will meet our little lady!

How far along? 27 weeks!

Maternity clothes? My fellow preggo friend brought over lots of maternity clothes that she was gifted from another friend so I'm excited to have some more options.
However, I can still fit into some of my pre-preggo workout clothes!  Although those are yoga pants and are stretchy, so do they count?
pre-preg workout top still fits! WIN
Stretch marks? not yet

Sleep: sleep has been on and off.  I've been starting to get leg cramps again.  And I'm exhausted in the morning no matter how early I go to bed.  I'm thankful that I'm not headed back to work this year because I think it would just be too hard and stressful (plus I don't think I'd have the energy!)

Best moment this week:
I got the chance to meet up with some friends from last school year and it was great to just sit and chat for a bit.
I also made the decision to start up with Arbonne to help ease some of my guilt from staying at home full time now.  It's also been keeping me busy and I'm already meeting new people!  I don't want all the burden to be on Andrew to provide for our family and if it means that I only make a little bit each month to cover going to Mommy&Me classes or going out to dinner once a month, I'm good with that.  Read my post about starting up with Arbonne.

Miss Anything? Sleeping through the night, my waistline and semi-flat stomach (although I know that there is a sweet little girl in there, so I'll take my basketball belly right now)

Movement: She's been moving up higher and getting closer to my ribs.  I can now feel her when I'm standing up too.  She used to only really move around when I was sitting down and not doing anything, but now she's moving and grooving all the time.  I got a lopsided belly the other day because she decided to sit on my right side for a few minutes. 

Food cravings:no cravings this week, food is actually kind of unappetizing right now.

Walking: The girls and I have been walking about 4-5 miles every morning.
Prenatal Pilates
The Bar Method Prenatal dvd
Prenatal Yoga at Dragonfly Hot Yoga (nothing like being the biggest person in prenatal yoga, it does great things for the ego) 

Anything making you queasy or sick: nope

Gender: Pretty little lady!  

 Labor Signs: nope

Symptoms: Braxton Hicks, they usually only happen at night, but are starting to get a little uncomfortable.
Heartburn is starting to come back as well as leg cramps

Belly Button in or out? still an innie

Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: This week was much better than last week.  Maybe you read this post "I didn't cry!" about how I haven't cried every morning that Andrew heads off to work.  I also have fabric for the curtains that my mom will help me make next weekend and I've started organizing her closet a little bit.  We're hoping to find a glider when we got MKE this weekend to go to buybuyBaby (because there are no baby stores around Madison, what's up with that?). 

Looking forward to:
Andrew is heading out to go camping next weekend with his college buddies so I'll be head back to IL so my mom can help me make some curtains and to celebrate her birthday!
My bday is coming up in a few weeks!
Our LaCrosse baby shower is September 7th :)

Dear Baby Girl,

We actually call you "Baby Sister" since we usually talk about you with your two big sisters.  We've been trying to prep Maddie since she is the current "baby" of the family, so we tell her that she is going to be a big sister soon (do you think she understands?)  She loves your toys, but knows they aren't hers.  She just sits and cries in your room because she wants to play with all of your little things.

She went into your room while I was working in the loft and took one of your toys out of the toy bin in the closet

I can't even believe that we're a mere 3 months away from your due date!  Your daddy thinks you will be an early bird like he was (but please don't come on October 19th because we have a wedding to go to and I'd like to actually ago and enjoy it), but I have a feeling you will be a stubborn little lady and take your sweet time.  I would not be surprised if you don't show up until Thanksgiving, although I would like you to come earlier than that.  I could go for Halloween or the first week in November.

You are not a fan of me laying on my side at night.  You tend to lay horizontal in my belly (which is perpendicular to the bed) and stretch from one side to the other as if trying to flip me over.  I think laying on my side squishes you a bit and you're trying to make more room.  But you're going to quickly run out of room in there, so you should enjoy your extra stretching room now before you are in there like a mummy or a little burrito.

Your Gma Marcia got you a cute little swim suit the other day!  You are one stylish little girl already.  I don't think your daddy realizes how many little clothes and dresses you will have.

We went to Milwaukee today to buy your glider.  If we had the pickup truck, we could have brought it home today, but we'll have to make 2 trips. Oh well!  We had also wanted to go to the MKE Zoo, but it was Zoo A la Carte, so it was way too crowded for us.  We decided to go to Marquette and then go to the lakefront instead.

We also stopped at Blue's Egg for brunch.
 Andrew perusing the menu and his bloody mary.

 My Berry Smothered French Toast and we split the Chicken Chorizo stuffed hash browns.

 Andrew's potato pancakes.

Then we drove down to Marquette to walk around for a bit.  And we found you a cute onesie! We walked around campus and reminisced about freshman year. (Mama only lasted a year before getting out of the city and heading for cornfields, but Daddy stayed all 4 years)
 And we ended our little MKE adventure by walking along the lakefront.
Milwaukee Art Museum

We'll be back again in October for the Bukowys' wedding.  And both you and I will be a lot bigger!

Love you, little bug.

Your mama

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