Sunday, August 4, 2013

25 weeks

Baby Girl is the size of a cauliflower!  She is about 14 inches and 1.5 pounds to 2 pounds!
She knows up from down and is growing more fat and hair! (Let's hope cute little curls)

How far along? 25 weeks!

Maternity clothes? yes and lots of them

Stretch marks? not yet

Sleep: still tossing and turning all night.  Andrew has tried sleeping in the loft the past few nights so he could get some more sleep.  Apparently my lack of sleep and rolling around also keeps him up too.

Best moment this week: had a good doctor's appointment this week.  I'm measuring perfectly and not gaining too much weight, contrary to my own beliefs and those that think I look like I'm carrying twins.
We're up in Lutsen, MN this weekend for a family reunion so it has been nice to spend time with my Aunt Marilyn and the rest of the family.
Oh and the crib came this week!  And we bought a dresser.  Someone's room is really coming together.

Miss Anything? sleeping without waking up 4-5 times a night

Movement:On Wednesday she was bouncing around all day.  She apparently really likes breakfast burritos because she was bouncing off the walls in there for almost 2 hours.

Food cravings:no big cravings.  I'm still waiting for one of those pregnancy cravings. 

Walking: Andrew and I walk the girls about 3 miles every morning.  It has been cool enough that I can take them back out for another 2 mile walk later in the morning.
This weekend involves a lot of hiking in Lutsen.
I found this youtube video this week: Prenatal Pilates.  It has been awesome!  The only thing I have to modify is the core video because I'm afraid of diastasis recti.

Anything making you queasy or sick: nope

Gender: Pretty little lady!  

 Labor Signs: nope

Symptoms: Back pain, hip pain, no sleep, bouncing belly :)

Belly Button in or out? in, but not for long :(

Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time:I've been doing ok this week.  The crib came earlier this week and I set it up in her room.  Let's not talk about crib bedding or curtains right now because those are my next headache!
I'm still freaking out a little bit over being a stay at home mom and not going back to work in a month.  I think I'm more worried about what I'm going to do once kids are school-aged and I need to go back to work because by then I don't know what I'll do or who will hire me.

Looking forward to: Enjoying the rest of the summer and trying to do as many things as we can before baby gets here.

Dear sweet little girl,

Well, we managed to survive our super long car ride to Lutsen, MN with minimal back pain.  We'll see how the 7 hour drive back home is though.  I had my doubts and thought it would be unbearable, but I came prepared with ice packs and pillows.  You are already the center of attention and everyone at the reunion wants to know everything about you.  People seem very concern about my well-being which makes me want to scream because it's not like I'm sick, I'm just pregnant.  I can still do almost everything I did before.  But I just smile and say that we're doing fine.

I can now feel where you are sitting in my belly.  I can tell if you're at the front, in the back, to the side, high or low because my belly will get really hard and sometimes hurt.  Your daddy and I felt what we think was either your head or your back the other night because my stomach got really hard and we could see a bulge on the right side and feel a round little mass, so I'm thinking that was your head.

You've been pretty active this week and seem to be developing a schedule.  You've been super active after our morning walk and I eat breakfast.  Then you'll start really grooving again around 3 or 4, sometimes around 7pm and always when I lay on my side to go to bed.  You've enjoyed getting me up at 2 or 3am and sometimes 5am when the alarm first goes off.  Can you hear the alarm and just want me to get up to take our sisters outside?

Your Aunt Marilyn (my aunt) gave you the cutest little baby clothes this weekend.  I seriously adore her and wish that we lived closer, but we will take you out to Seattle someday to see her and Ben.  She knows how much I love owls and got your a sweet little owl sleeper and socks.  And the cutest little striped sweater and matching onesie.  You are going to be one styling baby.

I cannot even believe that we get to meet you in just about 3 months!  We're getting your room put together and even have a crib and a rock'n'play for you to sleep in for the first few weeks.

Love you always, peanut.

your mama

Your daddy and mama in front of Lake Superior

Mama, baby girl, and Gma
Mama, baby, Gma, and Uncle Sam

1 comment:

  1. You look great, Lindsey! Glad things are going so well for you! Enjoy this time.

    Ann Hoffmeister


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