Tuesday, January 19, 2016

21 Weeks Baby #2

January 17, 2016
(note to self: black is not a good choice for belly pics)
(and maybe one of these weeks Andrew will figure out how to take a photo without that weird shadow behind me)
How far along? 21 weeks
Stretch marks?  I don't think any new ones have popped up in the last few weeks, but I feel like I'm always finding them.
Sleep: cold and flu season has hit the Loeffler house, so Charlee has been up at night.  One night she wanted me to sleep with her, so she took up the entire twin bed while I "slept" on the edge of it as she rolled around hitting me in the face.  I was quite the ray of sunshine the next day after about 2 hours of sleep.
Exercise: BarreAmped 1-2x a week, Knocked Up Fitness Prenatal Sculpt 3-4x a week
Best moment this week (or the past few weeks): Andrew got to feel the littlest lady kick this past week.  I can even see her kick when I look at my belly.  Definitely my favorite parts of pregnancy. 
 Miss Anything? just feeling happy and not always feeling like I'm walking around in a fog. With everything that has gone on in this pregnancy (and everything that happened last year to get to this point), I still struggle with just being happy and enjoying this pregnancy.  I also feel like a shitty mom on the daily because I'm not doing half the things I used to with Charlee (or relying on trips to the grocery store or Target as "activities"). 
Movement: So many kicks in the morning and at night
Food cravings: nothing
Anything making you queasy or sick: back to feeling nauseous and not wanting to eat.
 Have you started to show yet:  HA
Gender prediction: another little lady!  We were very surprised to find out that we are having another girl (we found out at 16w, but didn't tell anyone until we had confirmation at 20w).  I thought for sure she was a boy because all of my symptoms and the Ramzi theory pointed to "boy"
Labor Signs: braxton hicks are few and far between now.  I still get them, but not every day
Symptoms: crazy emotions, crying, irritable, nausea
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: I never know how to answer this.  And I hate when people ask me how I'm doing (even though I know they care about me and want to be polite), but the truth is... I don't know.  I'm happy, thrilled, to be pregnant and to grow our family.  We have wanted this for a long time now and it took 15 months for this baby to come along (not counting our babies who did not make it). But I still can't help but feel sad, guilty, terrified, nervous, stressed, and just want to lie in bed.  Sad because of all of my crazy hormones. Guilty because I'm not being the mom I want to be for Charlee right now and super guilty that this kid is literally getting all the leftovers (all of C's clothes, her old nursery with nothing changed) while C gets everything new. Terrified and nervous because I don't know how I'm going to do this again with a toddler.  Stressed because of all of the above and supporting 4 people and 2 dogs on one salary.
BUT I can't wait to see what this little peanut will be like.  Will she look like Charlee?  Will she look exactly like Andrew like Charlee did?  Will she be a pretty good baby like her big sister or will she be our little terror?

Dear sweet girl,

We are so excited that we can finally tell everyone that you are a girl!  Your big sister is still coming around to the idea, so we just don't talk about it much or call you "little sister" since she has no idea what a sister is. 
You are getting so big!  Last week you were 14oz and measuring just perfectly.  You're a shy little one (or just sassy).  You wouldn't show your face in any of the ultrasounds we had done.  And for the 20w scan you were sleeping and had no desire to move around to get measurements done.  It will be fun to see you again in 3 weeks to see how much you have changed!
Since you are getting bigger, I can feel your kicks more and more.  Daddy can even feel them too!  (Although I would prefer it if you not kick in the middle of the night).
I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out how to make your room special for you.  I'll come up with something.  I don't want you to have exactly what your big sister had, but that was kind of the point of making a gender neutral nursery. 
Love you!

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