Wednesday, January 6, 2016

19 Weeks Baby #2

January 3, 2016

After a week and a half of travel (and no belly pic), we are back at it and just short of 5 months until this little one comes to join us.

How far along? 19 weeks very large
Maternity clothes? this question is laughable because I can't fit into anything and even some maternity clothes aren't cutting it (namely maternity jeans).
Stretch marks? yes :( This belly grew too big too fast
Sleep: I don't sleep anymore.  Between hip pain, back pain, using the bathroom, getting up to put C on the potty, sleep is pretty much nonexistent.
Best moment this week (or the past few weeks): Spending a few days away from it all in Door County while Charlee stayed with Glammy and Pops.  (Although we indulged a little too much and my nonexistent weight gain turned into a pretty dramatic weight gain)
 Miss Anything? energy, being able to eat without feeling like I'm going to explode, standing without everything hurting
Movement: baby really kicked it up a notch this past week.  Lots movement and little kicks at night.  It comes and goes, so I'll feel lots one night and then not much of anything for the next day or two.
Food cravings: nothing
Anything making you queasy or sick: the nausea has backed off for the time being, but nothing is ever all that appealing
 Have you started to show yet:  big belly
Gender prediction: ???
Labor Signs:not actual labor. Braxton hicks contractions some nights, usually when I'm in the car for whatever reason
Symptoms: insomnia, back pain, braxton hicks, nerve pain on my belly, swollen ankles if I've been on my feet too long, congestion, hip pain, spotting from my hemorrhage (this pregnancy hasn't been as easy as C's was)
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: This pregnancy has been really rough on me emotionally.  I am absolutely thrilled to be having another baby, but I still have my guard up from the miscarriages (and busy keeping up with C) so I just don't feel like I have a connection with this baby yet.  Most days I'm happy, but I cry at the drop of a hat and I'm sure Andrew will tell you I can be a real bitch most days.

Dear baby,

It's hard to believe that we're nearing the "halfway" point (and I use that term loosely because your big sister didn't abide by that, so I don't really expect you to either).
Charlee has officially moved into her new room, so the nursery is free and waiting for its next occupant in 5 months. I've been feeling a little bit of mama guilt lately because I'm not redoing the nursery for you.  Everything is staying the same except for the artwork.  I'll start putting money into a therapy fund for you now because I'm sure this will scar you for many years.
Big sister is convinced you are a boy, but I think that's more because she doesn't really understand what a girl or a boy is (since we never really talk about how she is a girl and so and so is a boy).  But she gets very insistent and kind of mad if you try to tell her that maybe the baby is a girl. ("NO! BOY!")
It has been fun to feel your little kicks and daddy can't wait to feel them on the outside.  That's when this starts to get real for him.  Seeing your big sister move was one of my favorite parts of pregnancy, so I'm looking forward to it with you.
In just one more week we will get to see you during your 20 week ultrasound!  This pregnancy was going by so slowly in the beginning, but now I can't believe that 20 weeks is almost here.  We are nervous, but just want to make sure that you are healthy and growing.

Love you to the moon and back,

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