Friday, September 5, 2014

9 months

**This post was written on August 24th, just took me way too long to upload the pictures**

Weigh: 20lbs (19 lb 15.9 oz according to the doctor)
Height:29.5 inches

Good eater award over here!
You like to eat anything and everything, silly girl!  You definitely have a good appetite.

Here's a look at our typical meal schedule:
Bottle: 5:30am
Breakfast: 7:30am
Bottle: 10am
Lunch: 12pm
Bottle: 2pm
Snack or bottle: 4pm
Dinner: 6pm
Bottle: 7:30pm

swiss chard and cheese pancakes, spinach and cheese muffins, smoothies, blueberry pancakes

luncheon meat, string cheese, quesadillas,  pancakes, mama's Panera sandwich, tuna, grapes

string cheese is a favorite

so are quesadillas!
 Love our 'dillas


corn on the cob



pork tenderloin

burgers with roasted potatoes and dragon tongue beans

zucchini and egg plant risotto

Sleeping through the night!
After your bath, you are asleep by 7:30 or 8pm and don't get up again until 5:30 or 6am.  Then back down for another snooze until 7:30am (most of the time, sometimes you are up and ready at 6:30am).
You take 2-3 naps during the day depending on when you fall asleep.  Usually you nap about 10am, but you might take a nap earlier if you got up early.  Your afternoon nap falls around 2pm.

You love to read books.  We try to read throughout the day during play time.
You love to play with your kitchen and listen to the music.

You like to walk your puppies with mama.
You love to snuggle with Lucy and pet her. (Maddie never stays put long enough)

You love to look for squirrels out the back window with your puppies.

You like bath time!

You love being silly with Daddy

You like singing and dancing... a lot.

We went to Seventeenth Radish to play with our friends!!

Every Saturday, you and Daddy go get coffee together.

You and Daddy went to the Farmers' Market and out to brunch at Sardine.

We went out to breakfast with your Aunt Katie Miner!

You played with your Uncle Sam

We went to Verona's National Night Out and you got to eat roasted corn for the first time.  It's your new love!

We went to the Farmer's Market and to get coffee (for dad)

Bottom right tooth:8/1/14
Top left: 8/10/14
Top right: 8/12/14
Bottom left: 8/14/14


Oh sweet little girl,
You just keep getting funnier and funnier every day!
I swear you are a human garbage disposal.  You will eat just about everything.  And if it's corn?  OMG forget about it!  You can eat an ear of corn every single day and usually do.
You desperately want to crawl, but just haven't figured out the whole moving the arms and the legs in succession.  I know that one day you will get it and you will be off.  Your puppies will be in for trouble!
You love to read books and we try to read a few each day.  We're well on our way to 1000 books by Kindergarten!
I still can't get over how big you are and that you are 9 months old!  How is that even possible?  You like to look at your baby picture book and it's hard to believe that you were ever that tiny!!
Look, you used to be a tiny peanut....
And now you're a silly big girl!!

I love that you are still so snuggly.  It's usually only when you are sleepy, but you still like snuggling sometimes.  You are also so smiley all the time.  When you wake up in the morning, when you eat, when you see your puppies, when you see your daddy: always smiling.
You officially have 6 teeth!  And, boy, were those top two rough!  You were quite the crank, especially in the car because your teeth hurt.  You look like such a big girl with all those teeth!
And your hair is getting blonder and curlier!  Finally!  You might actually start to look like me!  You are such the spitting image of your daddy.  Your eyes are even starting to turn more hazel like his.
Here's to another fun month, little lady!

Out Takes

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