Monday, January 6, 2014


Well, it's that time of year again.  That time of year that everyone makes some sort of resolution only to be forgotten in a month.  Seriously, isn't that how it always is?

Usually, like the rest of the population, my resolutions have focused on appearances:
1. lose weight
2. exercise more
3. eat healthy
4. kick the sugar habit (epic fail every time.  I can't help it! #sugaraddict)

With just having a baby 6 weeks ago, all of those things are still pretty close to the top of my list (when should you stop wearing maternity clothes?)
However, there are other things that have pushed the weight and eating goals further down the list.

1. Enjoy the little things in life (don't rush through everything)
2. Take more pictures (Charlee is already getting so big and I'm already regretting not taking pictures like every single day!)
3. Meet new people (I need new friends and to interact with adults for my own sanity)
4. Lose the negativity (working on being positive and surrounding myself with positive people.  I'm starting the negativity purge. So let this be your warning if you're on the negative train...)
5. Cut down on the screen time
6. Work my business super hard so that Andrew can be home more with us (this is more of a long term goal that I need to keep focusing on)
7. Stop caring about what other people think
8. Focus on being a good mama

Oh and
lose weight
eat healthy
kick the sugar habit
and exercise more

What are your resolutions this year?

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