Sunday, January 5, 2014

1 Month: Weeks 0-4

Written Dec 29th (1 month birthday was Dec 24th)

Oh my goodness Miss Charlee!  Time is just flying by already and I can't believe that a month has passed us by.  I had figured that I would probably just do a monthly post on you, but there's already so much I want to remember.  You've changed so much already and I can't believe it.  So we'll try to catch up week by week.

Week 0:

Well, you were born! (I can see you rolling your eyes at me and thinking, "Well obviously, MOM!")  You were a week late, but when you were ready to make your debut, you wanted out as fast as possible!
We spent the first half of the week in the hospital getting used to each other and figuring out our new role as a family of 3.
napping with daddy during our first week home

Your Glamma and Pops came to visit you in the hospital and so did your Grandma Beth and Grandpa Charlie.
meeting Pops on your birth-day in the hospital

We visited the doctor for the first time to get your weight checked (you lost a bit of weight before leaving the hospital).  You were already back up to 7lbs 6oz!  Almost your birth weight!
We also enjoyed your first holiday, Thanksgiving, with your Glamma and Pops.
swinging on Thanksgiving

(side note: this was a pretty difficult week for us just because we were all adjusting to our new roles, and to be frank, breastfeeding was a b****.  You and I had a pretty difficult time in the beginning, Miss Charlee, me more so than you.  You, however, were gaining weight like a champ, mama was just in pain most of the time.  So when the nurses say that breastfeeding isn't supposed to hurt, that's a lie.  Laugh in their face, feel free to swear at them, or just cry.)

Week 1:
Your Uncle Chris and Aunt Kelly came to visit to get some beautiful pictures of you.  We are so lucky that we have such a talented photographer in the family.

We enjoyed our time together, just the three of us.  It was our last week together before Daddy went back to work.
playing with daddy

We went to Target a few times, but pretty much just enjoyed watching daytime TV.
 And we celebrated your 1 week birthday with cake!
eating birthday cake with daddy on your 1 week birthday

Week 2:
We started the week off with a visit from your Glamma.  She came to stay with us while Daddy went back to work.
On Monday we went to your 2 week appointment.  You weighed 8lbs 6oz!   You gained 1lb in just 12 days!  We also found out that you had thrush (oral yeast infection) which was causing all of my pain while feeding.  We got your first prescription for antibiotics.
We then headed to the lactation consultant (you latch like a champ, our problem was the thrush).  And, of course, we made a pit stop at Target to get your medication.
You started getting yourself into a sleeping schedule during the day: wake-up around 8:30, nap 12-3pm, catnap at 6pm, bed by 9pm (up at 1am or 3am to eat, again at 6am).
Your glamma left on Wednesday and that night you had your worst sleep.  You were up from 1:30-5:30am.  You cried, mom cried, daddy walked the halls with you.  That next day was my first day alone with you.  You decided to really test my skills and go on a nap strike.  You didn't sleep for more than 30 minutes at a time during the day and ate all day long.  There were tears of frustration and exhaustion by the time that dad got home.  It was rough.
you love your swing

Week 3:
We had a "play date" with your friend Aubrey!  Really, it was like a sleep over since both of you snoozed the whole time while mama and Jessica visited.  We can't wait for you and Aubrey to get bigger so you two can play together.
On Tuesday, we went to Mommy Baby hour at Meriter.  We got to visit with a lot of moms and babies.  It was good to get out of the house and meet new people.  You slept the whole time and didn't cry until we had to leave.
We went to Epic to have lunch with daddy and see his work.  Once again, you slept during lunch.  We also went to Kohls to finish up some Christmas shopping.  Someone referred to you as a boy (which I don't care about at all) and you were wearing a big flower headband!  Seriously?
getting ready to go eat lunch with daddy at Epic

During this week you slept for 6 whole hours at night!  It was amazing!  You only got up once at 3am and then again at 6am.  Since then, you've been sleeping for 4-5 hour stretches at night.
napping with big sister Lucy

Week 4:
Christmas week
We have come to realize that there is so much more that goes into road trips when you travel with a baby.  You had a long list of things that needed to come with us for our 4 day trip to IL: diapers, clothes, pjs, diaper bag, wipes, rock n play, boppy, vitamin D drops, blankets, swaddles, burp cloths, Ergobaby, etc.  We started packing a few days before so we could get everything together.
You did a great job in the car until about 30 minutes from Geneva.  You were hungry and needed a new diaper, so you wailed.  Sucking on my finger worked for a little bit (I sat in the back with you), but you quickly realized that it wouldn't give you any food and continued to wail.  You were much happier once we got to glamma and pops' house and you could get out of your car seat.
visiting with Pops on Christmas Eve

Meeting your Aunt Katie on Christmas Eve

You met your great grandma and great grandpa, Mimi and Poppi.  We spent Christmas Eve at the Marshalls' and went back over Christmas morning.
4 generations of McGuire women
You were thrilled with your new barn and farm animals
spending Christmas Day with Mimi the Great and Poppi the Great (your great grandparents)

Christmas night and the morning of the 26th was spent with the Loefflers.  You were definitely spoiled with gifts and lots of holding.
Nap time with Uncle Ben, Aunt Kathryn, and kitty Maya
Opening gifts with daddy

You met your Auntie Katie and you Auntie Liz  And of course your boyfriend, John :)  He was very interested in you, but you were playing it cool and not showing much interest.  Were you just playing hard to get?
Your boyfriend John.  He's such a cutie

Aunt Katie with you and John

Liz, John, me, and you

On Friday before heading back, we met up with Team Trio and you got to meet Katie and Nicole.  I'm still not too great with taking pictures when I'm out with you because it gets awkward sometimes, so I don't have pictures with them.  Next time I'll snap away :)

Oh my, little lady.  You have certainly kept us busy this month.  I can't believe how much you've changed and how big you've gotten.  You are awake for longer during the day (except today because you have been snoozing for most of it. I hope that doesn't set us up for a long night!)
I look at you and wonder what you will be like in the coming days, weeks, months, years.
Will you keep your blue eyes or will the change to green or hazel?  (They're in between right now, more bluish gray.)
Will you have curly hair? (Little waves right now)
Will you have blond hair? (You're holding on to your dark hair, it hasn't fallen out yet)
Will you ever enjoy tummy time on your playmat?

You are such a happy baby and bring us such joy (not so much at 2am when you are screaming or wide awake just because).  But for the most part, you are very easy-going and are content in anyone's arms.

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