Sunday, September 15, 2013

31 weeks

Baby Girl is the size of a pineapple!  She is over 16 inches from head to feet and weighs about 3 1/3 lbs!
She can turn her head from side to side All five of her senses are in working order.

How far along? 31 weeks!  9 weeks to go until D-Day (if we make it to that)

Maternity clothes? I hate pants!  I am so happy to work from home now with Arbonne so that I can wear yoga pants every day if I want to.  I don't know what I would wear to school every day if I was still teaching.  Not a whole lot fits anymore.

Stretch marks? nope

Sleep: I'm back to sore hips at night, so sleep is iffy.  I'm exhausted all the time!

Best moment this week:
Had the 30 week appointment and everything is measuring on track (even though I have a ginormous belly)
We spent Saturday with the Koskas, our high school/college friends.  We live literally 5 miles from each other, but are only able to get together every couple of months.  It was great to do a brewery tour with them and then watch some college football :)

Miss Anything? clothes that fit!

Movement: She is getting much stronger and moving around all the time.  Lots of hiccups, big kicks, and lots of somersaults.  I'm going to be sad when she's born and I can't feel her jab me anymore!

Food cravings: candy corn!  But then I ate some (ok, more than some) and didn't feel well afterwards.  Too much sugar!

Still keeping up with our 4-5 mile walks every morning.
I also started the 3rd Trimester workout from Moms Into Fitness about two times this week.  But it is getting harder to move with this big belly!

Anything making you queasy or sick: nope

Gender: Pretty little lady!  

 Labor Signs: nope

Symptoms: swollen feet, achy hips, exhaustion, burning spot under my ribs, now the left side of my back and ribs hurt as opposed to the right side that has been bugging me for the past 20 weeks.

Belly Button in or out? still in

Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: Overwhelmed is the theme this week.
 I HATE stepping on the scale at the doctor's office.  I try not to focus on the number on the scale and how much weight I have gained because really, there is nothing I can do about it. My body is deciding what it needs to do for baby and no amount exercise or healthy eating will change that.  While my mind keeps telling myself that, it's still a huge blow to the ego and I cry about it a lot.  I'm already adding up all the pounds I need to lose to get back to my happy weight (which was less than my pre-preggo weight, so I have a LONG way to go).
I get overwhelmed easily in life and this life change is no exception.  We tried for what seemed like forever to actually get pregnant that now we are really in the downhill, I am freaking out and so not ready.  I can't believe that she could be here in as little as 5-6 weeks and I'm just not ready to be responsible for another human being quite yet. 

Looking forward to:
Seeing friends this weekend for some Arbonne parties.
The IL Baby shower in October
going back to prenatal yoga

Dearest baby girl,

No, we still do not have a name for you yet.  Everyone asks all the time and my answer is always "No."  But even if we did have a name all picked out for, we wouldn't share it.  We do have a few contenders, but I don't think we'll know what name is just perfect for you until we see you.  So we still just call you "baby" or "baby sister."

Your big sisters are getting more and more anxious about your arrival.  Maddie likes to crawl under your crib with her ball.  It's one of her hiding spots and she likes to do it under our bed too.  She still cries when we go into your room because there are so many toys that she knows are yours and not hers.  Lucy is just very apprehensive about the whole thing.

We started the baby class last week and so far? BORING.  You did not enjoy having to sit there for 2.5 hours either (and neither did I).  I made the mistake of wearing some pre-pregnancy leggings that I thought I could squeeze into but were just too tight on my belly sitting in those uncomfortable chairs for so long.  You kicked me in my ribs the whole time and then had like 5 braxton hicks contractions.

I've starting washing all of your blankets and clothes.  Your daddy thinks you have SO many little clothes already, but I don't think he realizes how quickly you will outgrow them and how many more we will need to buy.

I was hoping to have the shelf and artwork hung up in your room to show off some pictures, but that didn't happen.  We also still don't have a mattress for your crib quite yet, but we're getting there.

I remember being so excited getting to the double digits at the beginning of the pregnancy (10 weeks) and now I can't even believe that we are in single digits from here on out.  Give us at least another 6 weeks to get to full term.  I don't think we'll be ready for you before that.

Love always,
your mama

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