Monday, March 9, 2015

15 months

*February 24, 2015*

Weight: 25 lbs
Height: 33 inches
Teeth: 16!

Why hello there, picky toddler.  Our little garbage disposal has officially turned into a picky toddler.  She has an opinion about everything she eats.  If it's too hot or too cold, forget it.  She loves her carbs, but not so much the veggies.  

Toast with jelly
Miss Charlee bear just can't decide if she's a one nap or a two nap kind of girl, which makes this mama pretty tired.  Thankfully, we are still sleeping through the night (for the most part).

Charlee likes playing her musical instruments. Good thing we have quite a collection now.

Occasionally, we like to color, but mainly we just like to use glue sticks.

We also like playing in Charlee's new play room!

We spend a lot of time at the library, mainly because it's free, but there are some pretty fun toys there.  Charlee has now mastered the slide and loves the train table!

We spent a little time testing out the sled.  We're a little indifferent to it right now.

Our little Martha Stewart loves helping in the kitchen.  She likes to be the "dumper" and pour the dry ingredients into the bowl.

She also helped cut out some broccoli cheddar crackers.

Charlee LOVES to read! She grabs a book the moment that she gets up in the morning and it's the last thing we do before bed.

But more than books, she loves her dogs.  She looks for Maddie and Lucy before doing anything.  Her daily job is to feed the dogs and she's getting quite good at it ;)

Charlee enjoys music and dancing.  She can turn on the cd player and start dancing away.

We also like taking selfies :D

She loves my her sunglasses

We went to MKE to go to the Discovery World Museum.  We saw lots of fish!

Probably most exciting of all, Miss Charlee started walking!

Dear sweet Charlee,

I feel like I say this every single month, but you are so funny and such a ham!  Oh my goodness, you keep us laughing and smiling every single day.  We are absolutely amazed how much you have changed and grown this past month.  Most notable being you walking.  It only took a few days to master and now you are running everywhere. 

I honestly can't believe that we got so lucky to be your parents.  You are such a sweet, happy little girl who always (well most of the time) has a smile on her face.  You are certainly developing your very strong willed personality.  There are some days where you absolutely exhaust me, but then you crawl into my lap with a book and it melts my heart. 

You love to read.  You wake up in the morning (and after eating), you grab a book and start "reading."  I'd like it if we started reading some different books, but ya know, whatever keeps you happy.  You love to help in the kitchen whether it's feeding the dogs or helping me bake.  Oh and another thing you love?  Brushing your teeth.  I think you have about 6 toothbrushes right now around the house.  Dad and I have to hide our toothbrushes so you don't use them.

You have Daddy wrapped around your little finger.  He would do anything and everything for you.  You're very much all about Mama right now, there are days when you run right to him or sob when he leaves.

You are such a joy in our lives and I can't wait to see what next month brings.

Love you,

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