Saturday, January 31, 2015

14 months

January 24, 2015

weight: 25 lbs
height: 33 in

Our adventurous eater has turned quite picky!
Carbs are this girl's best friend.  That and pomegranates!  We go through 1 pomegranate every day or two.
Other "likes" include:
crackers, cheerios, apples, PB&J, sweet potatoes, pancakes, scrambled eggs

She tried to eat a lemon at Panera, but thought it was funnier to make funny faces and pretend to eat the lemon.

Sleep has been off this month due to too many teeth coming in and colds.
Still taking 2 naps a day, but it depends.

Charlee loves to play in her new playroom!  Daddy spent lots of time painting her new room and now she has a place to play that's all her own.

We like playing in the sensory bins (shredded paper and popcorn kernels)

She likes playing her musical instruments.

C also loves bubbles!!!  Big sister Maddie, not so much.

She also likes playing with her little friends :)

(We went to Jameson's house to play one afternoon) 

We went to Skylar's 1st birthday party at the Children's Museum.  Charlee had lots of fun putting puzzles together.

We went to a music class at Seventeenth Radish with a mommy group.  Charlee LOVED the parachute at the end!  She was so mad when we put it away.

When we go to Hyvee, we always have to use a car cart so Charlee can drive ;)

We played at Madtown Twisters with friends.  C enjoyed crawling around and chasing balls.

We met Emily and baby Bowen for breakfast one morning.  Charlee, of course, hammed it up for the camera.

We met some friends over at Play and Learn to play and read stories.

  We went to Story time at the library.

Pomegranates (obviously)

Dancing (a lot of dancing)

Reading her books (specifically Pat the Bunny, Open the Barn Door, and Sleepy Squirrel)

All 4 canines: beginning to mid January
Standing solo
Taking 2-3 steps solo (mainly running (not walking) with the walker) (I don't have video of walking yet)

Signing "please" and "thank you"

Dear silly girl,

You are such funny girl! It has been so much fun watching you learn.  I love asking you a question and you understanding what I'm asking and responding! (Would you like more pomegranates? signs "please"  Where's Lucy? points to Lucy)

 You love to read Pat the Bunny. All. The. Time.  You are very good at patting the bunny, touching daddy's scratchy face, playing peek-a-boo with Paul, and waving "bye bye" to Paul and Judy at the end of the book.  You definitely have your favorites.  Open the Barn Door, Sleepy Squirrel, and On the Farm.  Now I know how my parents felt when they had to read The Poky Little Puppy every single night.

You might not be walking around like your friends yet, but you have a mouth full of teeth!  You're only missing your two year molars.  Even though you have all of those teeth, you are becoming a picky eater.  What happened to my garbage disposal who would eat everything we put in front of her? You are a becoming a typical kid and loving PB&J.

You love to dance!  You love to turn on your music and start dancing. You cruise around the house with your walker.  That's an understatement, you run.  You climb on everything: the couch, the chairs, the stairs, boxes, ottomans, anything.

I love snuggling with you every day.  But I also love when you want to go snuggle and play with Daddy (he loves it too).  I love taking you to story time and listening to stories with you on my lap. You amaze me every single day.  I can't believe how much you have changed since you were born but even just how much you have changed since yesterday.

I love you to the moon and back.

your mama


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