Monday, February 24, 2014

3 months: weeks 9-12

Week 9:

The cold hit the Midwest (and everywhere else) AGAIN. But we didn't let that stop us from getting out of the house.
We started the week off by going to your 2 month appointment.  Weight, length, head circumference were all taken.  And then those vaccinations were up.  You had one by mouth and three in the leg.  You were more surprised by it than anything, but cried for quite a bit.  (I made Daddy hold you.)  It also didn't help that you were already cranky that Monday.  Tylenol seemed to help, but it still messed with your sleep a little and you cried a little more throughout the day.

No Mom/Baby Hour on Tuesday because of the cold, so we headed over to a new friend's house for an hour in the afternoon.  You watched Levi and Eva play while in your car seat.  Soon you will be crawling and running around like them!
On Wednesday, we made our way to Baby Yoga.  I really like going, but it is a lot different than regular yoga.  I don't get to do as much as I would like because you either want to eat or get cranky.
Thursday was a mini snow storm, but we still made it to Mom/Baby Hour to see our friends.  It was so nice to chat with other moms.  You like watch the other babies.

Friday we were feeling adventurous, so we headed to the Verona Public Library for Baby Story Time!  You loved watching the other babies and singing songs.  You were a big talker during play time.  We met a few new mommy friends and joined them for a quick lunch afterwards.  Then it was off to the other side of town to see Liz and Leo.  You and Leo are only a day apart!  You two were such good babies while we sat and chatted for an hour :)
You have started taking naps more this week.  You fell asleep for like an hour the other day on your play mat and I didn't know what to do!  You haven't napped like that since week 3!
You are getting so close to rolling over, I can feel it.  You arch your little back and throw your head back.  I'm just waiting for you to kick those legs over and be on your tummy.

Week 10:
Holy Cow!  How did we get to double digits?
We celebrated 10 weeks by finally going out to brunch at the Great Dane.  We were planning to go exactly 10 weeks ago when you decided to grace us with your presence.

You love to sit and watch your big puppy sing and talk to you (we have a lot of puppies here.  Puppy pacifier, puppy toy, big sisters)

You're still sleeping through the night like a champ and Mommy and Daddy are hoping that continues. *fingers crossed*
We usually have quite a busy week.  We go to Mom/Baby Hour at Meriter and Mom/Baby yoga and we finish the week with story time at the library.  And you're just like your mama and Target is your favorite store ;)
We even went to the mall with your friend Aubrey!

Your Uncle Chris and Aunt Kelly came to visit us on Saturday afternoon.  We went out to lunch and then spent the rest of the day playing.

 Glama (or Gma) and Pops came to visit for the weekend.  They were amazed at how big you got!

Week 11:
We started this week off with a bang.  You went to hang out with neighbors Dean and Mary while mama and Daddy went to a Pi Phi party for a few hours.  I was a little nervous that you would be a little diva that whole night since it was close to your bedtime, but of course, you were on your best behavior. Phew!

We had a VERY busy week!
We went to Mom/Baby hour (twice!)

We also went to music class and did lots of singing and dancing.  You took a long nap afterwards.
Back to yoga again (you are getting much heavier so I am definitely getting an arm workout!)
 Story time at the library

After story time at the library on Friday, we went to Epic to have lunch with Daddy.  You loved looking at all the lights in the hallways.

We finished our week with a visit from our Marquette family.  We've been looking forward to it for weeks now and we're so lucky that we have such a wonderful group of friends who drove all the way to come meet you!

You're starting to become a little leery of strangers, so you did cry a bit when being passed around to everyone.  But everyone was so excited to meet the first Marquette baby.

Week 12:

Double colds this week: one for mama and one for baby.  You handled it much better than I did.  I was down for the count on Sunday and you just wanted to snuggle on Monday when you didn't feel well.  But it's amazing how much snot comes out of such a little person! (so gross, but true)
You are such a talker and will gab to anyone who will listen.  You tell Daddy all about your day when he comes home from work.

You love to stand and are getting very good at sitting.
You love to kick and dance all the time!

I can't believe that you have been in our lives for 3 months!  It has flown by but it also feels like you've been here forever.

You are such a strong, smart little girl.  You love to listen to music and to dance.  You always have big smiles in the morning and love to smile at Mommy and Daddy.  You laugh at Maddie and are enthralled with your big sisters.  I love snuggling with you in the morning.  I'm trying to savor it as much as I can because I know soon you will be moving and not want to be held anymore.  You are SO close to rolling over, but just not quite there yet.
I love you, sweet girl.  You make us so happy :)

Height: 25in
Weight: 13.8lbs
clothes: 6 months!

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