Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A Day in the Life

Hey party people!  It's me, Charlee.  I bet you're wondering what exactly I do all day (I mean, besides being ridiculously cute).

Mommy and I are pretty busy during the week, so I hope that I have enough space to type out everything (yes, I am THAT advanced) or rather that I finish telling you about my day before my next nap.

My day starts pretty early.  I'm up at 4:30am for a quick snack, but back to bed for the rest of my beauty rest.  I'm up for the day by 7am.  Mommy always begs me for 20 more minutes, but I just flash my winning smile and she can't help to get me out of my swaddle.

We head downstairs so I can belly up to the milk bar again (Mommy always thinks that she can make her Arbonne protein shake before I get my second breakfast, but she never does!)

Play time!
I visit with my favorite toys on my activity mat: Mr. Octopus and my rattle.
I give Mommy an ear-full about all of my dreams last night.

I'm starting to get a little sleepy.  Playing really does just take it all out of me.  Time for a little catnap.

I'm feeling refreshed and a little hungry.  Time for a mid-morning snack.

It's Wednesday, Yoga Day, so I get dressed so we can head out.
Decisions, decisions.

Good choice, Mom!

Riding in the car always wears me out.  I usually take a little catnap so I can be ready for action once we get to our destination.

It's yoga time!  I'm not gonna lie, I'm really good at it.  But I don't want to be a show-off, so sometimes I just play it cool and chill.

Yoga is over and it's time for brunch.  All this working out is making me hungry!

Mommy has to get some grocery shopping done, so we head over to Aldi and then to our favorite store, TARGET!  Seriously love that place.  It usually always means that we stop in the baby department and we look at new clothes for me :)

Sometimes I take another nap, but other times I like to look at all the lights.

Target wears me out, so I take a snooze in my car seat.

Quick snack break then out for a walk with my big sisters!

play time on my mat with Mr. Octopus and singing songs with Mommy.

I practice my sitting and standing.

Then get some snuggle time with Mommy and another meal.


Nap time until Daddy comes home at 6pm, then off for a walk with the big sisters.

Big shocker that I eat again after we get back from our walk (what? I'm a growing girl!)
Play time until bath.

First time I really laughed for Mom and Dad.  They obvi thought it was just hilarious.

Bath time!

Reading with Daddy.  Sometimes I'm just too sleepy to listen to him read, but he loves it so much, that I try really hard to stay awake to listen.

Bedtime snack and then I'm very sleepy.

Press repeat for tomorrow :)
Good night, friends!


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