Wednesday, October 16, 2013

35 weeks

This post is a few days late.  We're at about 35 weeks, 2 days as I write this and probably by the time it's posted, more like 35w4d.

Baby Girl is the size of a honeydew melon!!   She is over 18 inches from head to feet and weighs about 5.25 lbs!

Her kidneys are fully developed and she's packing on the pounds!

How far along? 35 weeks (about 35.5 weeks now)

Maternity clothes? I have a big baby belly so everything is maternity.  It will be bizarre going back to regular clothes again in a month or two!

Stretch marks? ugh, yes.  Well, no new ones, but extensions of what I got during adolescences (my chubby phase in middle school).  Yuck!  But using my stretch mark oil that my best friend Liz gave me when I was 6 weeks pregnant.  She's so smart and knew that I would need it eventually!

Sleep: I don't know what sleep is anymore.  I hardly ever sleep and I'm exhausted all the time which leaves me emotionally exhausted (and usually sobbing). 

Best moment this week:
34 week appointment last week.  Baby girl is getting big!  Last week I was measuring at almost 35 weeks.
On Saturday when we hit the 35 week mark, we had our IL baby shower.  We are so thankful for all of the people in our lives who are supportive and excited about this (big) little lady.

Miss Anything? not feeling huge and SLEEP (and being able to breathe because I'm so congested)

Movement: She moves all the time!  I think she's starting to realize that night time is for sleeping and day time is for play.  She's much more calm at night now and bounces around throughout the day.

Food cravings: Mexican sounds really yummy :)

It's getting a lot more difficult to keep moving or even wanting to move.  It's much more appealing to just watch Netflix (I let Ryan Seacrest talk me into starting up Pretty Little Liars).
BUT I am still walking the dogs every morning for at least 3-4 miles.  Since it's still nice out, I want to give the girls as much exercise as possible.  I know it will be too cold soon and in the next month or so we'll have someone else who will affect our walking schedule and it will be harder to get out.
Still doing prenatal yoga, but it's getting hard!  It's difficult not being able to do everything I used to be able to before when I was XX lbs lighter.

Anything making you queasy or sick: nope

Gender: Pretty little lady!  

Labor Signs: nope

Symptoms: Heartburn came back full force.  Sleep is non-existent.  Swollen feet.  Back pain.  Crazy emotions.

Belly Button in or out? not really in or out

Wedding rings on or off? ring is off.  I can probably still wear it, but then I have a feeling I just won't be able to get them off one day.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Overwhelmed is the name of the game, yet again.  Overwhelmed with work, house stuff, and everything baby.  My dining room table is currently a disaster area filled with baby clothes, books, gift bags, tissue paper, and Arbonne stuff.
There have been a lot of tears in the past week because I know how big I'm getting and it's a tough pill to swallow.  I think I am also just exhausted from not sleeping and guilty about spending so much money on the baby and not having the regular paycheck anymore (don't get me wrong, I am so thankful for the opportunity and the job I am doing now because there is no way that I would have been able to teach this year without going over the deep end).

Looking forward to:
Bukowy wedding in MKE this weekend.
Getting all of the last minute baby necessities!

Our wonderful future sister-in-law and awesome photographer did a mini-maternity shoot for us while we were in Geneva for the baby shower.  I can't wait to see the rest of them! (And yes, I realize I am a big fan of purple as of late.)  Check out K-Schulz Photography Facebook page to see all of her beautiful work!

Dear baby girl,

I can't believe that in just a month (give or take) you will be here.  I can't even believe it!  We are getting ready to go to the Bukowy's wedding this weekend and that seemed so far away when we talked about it in the summer.

While we are not quite ready for you to be here yet (we are still enjoying our freedom and not being tied to the house all the time), we can't wait to meet you!  We were looking at Daddy's baby pictures this weekend back at your Grandma Beth and Grandpa Charlie's house.  He was one cute little baby (not as cute as me, all the nurses said that I was the prettiest baby in the nursery.  And, no, I wasn't the only baby in the nursery).   He had the biggest green eyes, still does.  I hope you get that from him (although blue eyes are just as cute!)  As much as I can't stand my big hair some days, I hope you have little blond ringlets like me and your Uncle SJ.

Your big sisters are still having a rough time adjusting to the changes that are happening in the house.  All of the baby stuff is out and have been permanent fixtures for a week or two now.  It makes Maddie very nervous.  Lucy is just indifferent right now, but stays far away from your bouncers and swing.  Maddie likes to investigate it all and is very sad when she realizes that none of it is for her.  I think we will need to get them some big sister toys so they can feel special too.

Although I look and feel quite large right now, you need to stay in for a little bit longer.  We're just not quite ready for you yet and you need to get big and healthy (daddy doesn't like tiny "skeletor" babies).  We also have plans (wedding and work) every weekend up until your due date (that's our first "free" weekend!), so you need to stay put for a bit.  Plus I think your big sisters need a few more weeks until you take over the house and all of our time.

Love you,
your mama

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