Monday, March 13, 2017

Emme 9 months

February 24, 2017

Weight 19 lbs
Height 28 in
Clothes: 12 months (12/18 month pjs)

This little girl loves to eat! She eats anything and everything that her big sister does.
Emme loves:
bell peppers, snap peas, hummus, strawberries, blueberries, pears, apples, sweet potatoes, broccoli, peanut butter, chicken, steak, quesadillas, noodles, pretty much anything!

Dare I say? We are slowly making progress in the sleep department. We're down to 2 wake ups a night. Which is sad that that is a good night, but I'll take it. Still two naps a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

This month was just all kinds of crazy weather-wise!  We started the month off sledding! Charlee loved it, but Emme wasn't too sure.
Emme is in love with this little baby doll. But it's probably good that she doesn't have a little brother or sister because she is quite rough with her baby.
 She is slowly starting to pull up on everything!
 We had two or three warm and gorgeous days, so we spent our time outside playing and swinging! At first, E wasn't too sure...

 But by the end, she loved it!
 We broke out the sensory bins more this month. Emme love to dig in the pasta bin and make a lot of noise.

Oh my goodness. I just can't get enough of these two! They have the most fun with each other. Charlee can always make Emme laugh, no matter what. She really is the best big sister and so kind and patient with her little sister. Emme just adores her.

3rd tooth (bottom right) 2/8/17
4th tooth (bottom left)


Dear little buggy,

I cannot even believe how fast time is flying. I feel like we just brought you home from the hospital. But on the other hand, I don't even recognize that tiny little baby! You have grown and changed so much over the past few months.

You are such a happy smiley girl (during the day, night is a different story). You definitely save a lot of those smiles for Charlee and mommy. Daddy does get some, but you are still a mama's girl.

You give the best big hugs! You wrap your arms around my neck and don't let go.

You just started crawling right before you turned 9 months old. You officially started crawling faster than your sister (by a week). The one thing that can really get you moving is trying to find mommy. You are still pretty slow moving, and we're ok with that :)

You finally have 4 teeth! It has been a long few months trying to get those little teeth to pop through. What's funny is you have all your bottom teeth and no top! But even with just bottom teeth, you can still eat a lot!

I count my lucky star every single day that I was blessed with two sweet, beautiful, sassy, loving, smart girls. You are the perfect addition to our family. I cannot imagine my life without you, sweet girl.

Love you always,

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