Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Emme 4 months

September 24, 2016

Weight: 14 lbs
Height: 25 inches
Clothes: 6 month

Emme is still exclusively nursing (and rarely taking bottles).  She has sucked on an apple core, but other than that, no solids yet.

Hello 4 month sleep regression! Our sweet little girl went from sleeping through the night or only waking up once or twice to waking up 4-6 times a night. Mommy is exhausted.
This is how we feel about life after no sleep
She takes 3-4 naps a day, mainly on me. One in the morning, one mid morning, a long afternoon nap, and early evening.


 Emme started using her activity walker a little bit. We prop her up with towels and a book under her feet and she loves watching everyone.
 Someone is getting better with tummy time!

 So very close to rolling back to tummy!
 We go for lots of walks and Emme has finally learned to enjoy the stroller meaning that mama gets a break from having her strapped to her.
Emme loves people watching, especially her mommy, sister, and daddy.   She always has big smiles for us.
She also discovered the O-ball this month!  She loves holding it and talking to it.

 I love dressing these two sisters alike (and Charlee thinks it's the coolest)

Someone is big enough to sit in a high chair!

While Charlee is a thumb sucker, Emme has started sucking on her fingers when she can't find her pacifier.

Dear Emme Bug,

How have 4 months already flown by?? You have changed so so much from the tiny little red baby you once were. You are such a smiley girl! You smile with your entire face, especially your eyes. I love your big gummy smile! You always have big smiles for Charlee. She makes you light up.

You started giggling and big belly laughing this month. You have the best belly laugh! I usually lay on my back with you above me on my knees and you just laugh and smile the whole time. Daddy likes to sing "Little Sack of Sugar" to you and you laugh and laugh as he tickles your tummy.

You have rolled tummy to back a few times, but could really care less. You have gotten so so close to rolling back to tummy, but then you just hang out on your side. You're such a tease!

You like to lay on your play mat and talk to your toys. Your O-ball is you current favorite. The car is getting a little more enjoyable, but not all the time. While you love love love to be strapped to mommy in the carrier, you have started enjoying the stroller more.

We love you so so much!

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