Wednesday, May 18, 2016

38 Weeks Baby #2

 May 15, 2016

How far along? 38 weeks as of May 15
Stretch marks? They are coming on strong now.  She is stretching my stomach so much that the stretch marks are getting serious.
Sleep: I miss sleep. 
Exercise: short walks. As much as I would love to take long walks with the dogs, I feel it if I push myself too much. 
 No more BarreAmped for me.  While I don't have ab separation, the nerve pain in out of control and it hurts to do much of anything some days. 
Best moment this week (or the past few weeks): We took Charlee to the zoo on the 15th, the BIG zoo (MKE).  She was so excited!  She talked about it all day.  We saw a baby giraffe and her mama and Charlee called her "baby sister giraffe" and "big sister Charlee giraffe."
Movement: Baby sister loves to move all the time!
Food cravings: cake and ice cream
Anything making you queasy or sick:not really
 Have you started to show yet: the belly just keeps getting bigger and bigger.  I don't really know how it is possible
Gender: baby sister!
Labor Signs:more Braxton Hicks and period like cramping
Symptoms: pelvic pain (holy crap, my poor pelvis), ab/nerve separation pain, my right foot is swollen all the time, varicose veins on my right calf, exhaustion
Belly Button in or out? I feel like I have no belly button anymore!  Not in, not out
Wedding rings on or off? off
Happy or Moody most of the time: Last week started out pretty rough.  I've tried to be pretty transparent when I talk to people about what's going on, so I will continue. I've had depression this entire pregnancy, but I've been able to manage it until last week.  I've been very overwhelmed with the thought of having to care for an infant and a toddler.  Couple that with the crazy amount of pain, and I was a mess.  Lots of crying and Andrew stayed home from work one day to help out.  My OB put me back on my antidepressants and it seems to be helping.  I'm hoping it will help with the PPD right away too.  It was hard to adjust with Charlee and I didn't start medication until after she was born, so hopefully this will help with the transition.
We've been having a lot of fun with Charlee the past few days/weeks and enjoying our last few days as a family of 3. She is at such a fun age and makes every day pretty fun.

Dear baby sister,

Not much longer until you are officially here!  Charlee is so excited for you to come.  She practices taking care of her baby dolls.  According to her, you are going to be called "Dr. Anna" or "Oh-hee."  We are still working on names, so hopefully you won't have to get used to either of those names.

As excited as we are for you to come, part of me is not quite ready for you to come out.  I am going to miss all of your big kicks and punches.  I will not miss your big head in my pelvis because that hurts all the time, but I'll miss the kicks.  You are an active little girl and I think you will really give us a run for our money soon.  Charlee was pretty laid back, still is, but I think you are going to be the opposite.  I wonder every day who you will look most like.  Charlee thinks you will have blonde hair and blue eyes like me.  I wonder if you will look like your big sister (who looked JUST LIKE your daddy when she was born).

Love you sweet girl,

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