Saturday, December 6, 2014

12 months!!

Weigh: 22lbs 9.2oz
Height: 32 in (98 percentile!)

Fun Facts:
  • Charlee still has multicolored eyes. Some days they're more blue, others more gray, but most days they are hazelish.
  • People often mistake her for an 18mo or a 2yo.  #tallgirlproblems

What doesn't this girl eat?  Her favorite this month has been raviolis.  This girl can really put them away.

Still drinking three bottles a day (the doctor wants her to be off the bottle by 15 months. Wait, what? Seriously?  How am I going to get her to sleep??)
By the end of the month, it was half formula and half cow's milk.

Breakfast is definitely by far our most favorite meal of the day.  I mean, pancakes? eggs? mom's smoothie? What's not to love!

Lunch is hit or miss these days.  Sometimes we take an extra long leisurely lunch just to eat a few more bites  (occasionally while watching Curious George on PBSkids.  I know, I know. But don't judge! That monkey is seriously so cute and if it gets her to sit quietly or eat a few more raviolis, hey, I'm all for it).

Typically lunch is also synonymous for "leftovers." However, girlfriend can definitely put away some grilled cheese and raviolis.  Remember when we ate quesadillas every day?  Oh, those were the days!  So easy!  Not so much anymore.  We're getting picky in our old age.

She eats so many different things now that I can't remember most of the meals that we eat for dinner. I think everything is a repeat, no new meals.

 Chicken and Pork Tamales with black beans
 Fritta with peanut butter toasties
 Green beans and chicken with a side of Cheerios
 Roast beef and cooked veggies
 Chipotle Lime Chicken

Snacks: cheerios, veggies and hummus, grapes, pears, apples, peanut butter toast

pears, cheerios, raviolis, hummus, grapes, peanut butter toast, mom's smoothies

Bath at 7pm, asleep by 8pm, awake between 6-7am.
Our morning naps are still on the fly in the car either on the way to something or on the way home.
Our afternoons are spent close to home so we can nap in the crib.  Two days the other week she slept for 2.5 hours straight.  WHAT?! I didn't know what to do with myself. Don't worry, it didn't last long. Those long naps were short lived and we're back to 1-1.5 hour afternoon naps.
For the most part, little miss is still sleeping through the night.  There have been a few nights where she wakes up in the middle of the night and won't go back to sleep.  Needless to say, mom and dad are like walking zombies the next day.  Why do people have more than one kid? ;)


Charlee loves to dance!  She's always swaying to music and busting a move.

She also loves to sing all the time.

Still a lover of her da's (dogs).

She likes putting things in baskets and taking them back out.

She loves crawling after her friends after Stroller Strides.

We love playing with bubbles :)

Playing in her ball pit
 Playing the piano

Madison Children's Museum with Oak Meadow Moms' Group for Halloween

Legacy Academy with MOPS (not a fan of that place. Glad I don't have to go there again)

1st Birthday Party at Seventeenth Radish!!

pulling up to standing: 10/28/14

crawling up the stairs with help: 10/28/14
standing up in crib: 10/29/14
crawling up the stairs without help: 10/30/14

signing "more" when prompted: 11/21/14
pointing to everything she wants instead of signing "more" 11/24/14

"mama", "dada", "da" (dog), "ka" (cat, when prompted), "yeah"

upper right incisor: 11/1/14
1 yr molar top left: 11/11/14
1yr molar top right: 11/23/14

Clothes: 18mo-24mo

Dear baby girl,

You are no longer a baby anymore!  You are a toddler and you certainly look the part (except for the crawling and saying very few words).  I can't even believe how quickly this past year has flown by.  It seemed like just yesterday we were in the hospital ready to meet you.  I still remember every single minute.

You have grown into such a beautiful, spunky, sweet, strong-willed little girl.  You amaze me every single day with the new things you can do and just how far you have come since you were a little peanut.  I have always wanted to be a mom, but never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that I would be blessed with such a wonderful daughter like you.

Your face lights up whenever Daddy comes through the door at night.  You look for your dogs as soon as you wake up in the morning or come in from an activity.  You always give me the biggest hugs and snuggles.  I love your smile.  It lights up the room and makes me so very happy.  Your giggle is infectious. 

I do miss when you were a tiny little peanut, but it has been so much fun watching you change and grow!  I remember the first time you laughed (at Maddie, of course), the first time you rolled over (well the 4th or 5th time? because I wasn't home when you did it), the first time you crawled, the first food you ate, the first time we put you in your car seat to go home (and you looked so very tiny but every bit Loeffler. No mistaking paternity there, kid).

I look forward to many more firsts, sweet girl, and many more laughs.

I love you to the moon and back.


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