Wednesday, April 30, 2014

5 Months!

Eek!  How did that happen?

Weight: 16lbs
Height: 26.5 inches

Miss Charlee, you still love your milky and nurse 7-9 times a day (and night).
You recently started eating big girl food!!
Bananas were a BIG success!

Avocado, not so much.  But you're warming up to it.

Big girl mealtime is always a mess which makes mama a little crazy, but I have to get over it.
What do you want to eat this month?
You do like to gum raw green beans.

Oh sleep.  Sleep is a different story.  You're all over the place in this department.  Sometimes you'll only wake up once at night to eat and other times, you might get up 3-4 times.  We're all very sleepy over here.

Napping is going a little better... if you sleep on me/in my arms.  I don't get much done, but at least you'll sleep for an hour or two.

You are always on the GO!
You love to play in your frog walker. 

You're always cruising around the kitchen.

You love talking to all your toys.  It's hilarious!

You still love your pacifiers and your o-ball.
Your new favorite is your puppy dog who we take with us everywhere.

You LOVE your big sisters.  They are by far your absolute favorites and can always get you to smile and giggle.

You love playing the piano with Daddy.

And spending as much time with him as possible.

We are just always on the go, lady!  Whether it's playgroups, walks, Target runs, you name it and we're there.
The weather FINALLY got nice out and we've been enjoying long walks with your sisters.  We've busted out the stroller a few times and you like it.  You are also still a fan of the Ergo and usually take a little nap while we walk.

We also have playgroup every Friday and you love to see your friends :)  You entertained everyone at our house last week with your talking and walking in your walker.

We watched the Badgers play in the Final Four with Dan and Brittany.  You even got to visit their kitties!!

 We also met our friends Lia and Rowan at the Children's Museum.  You are going to have so much fun there once you can start walking around!

We even went to the Farmers' Market with Daddy one morning!  It was busy since it was the first day, but you entertained yourself (and everyone else around) by talking very loudly :)

Rolling from back to front: 3/23/14  (and you've been rolling ever since!)
Rolling from front to back: sometime in mid-April (but only a few times and usually on accident)
Eating solids: 4/12/14 (bananas and avocado)

Oh my sweet little girl,

You make us smile every single day.  You are always so happy and love to giggle.  I love to hug you, squeeze you, and give you kisses (and you've started giving big slobbery kisses back).
I wonder everyday what you will be like when you are a toddler.  What will be your first word? When will you start crawling and then walking? You have already developed such a funny personality that I can't wait to see what type of person you will become!  Although, it is already going by way too fast, so I am enjoying all the snuggles now.

You love to sit and stand.  Standing being your favorite.  You're really giving my arms a workout!
You are so curious about everything.  You want to know what everyone has and will examine something very closely to figure out what the deal is. (You are currently examining the tag on your squishy block.)

You make me smile and laugh every day.  I used to roll my eyes when people would blog about their kids and say "I know I said this last time, but this is my favorite age!"  You are changing so much and I just love the little person you are becoming.  You have such a funny personality!  I love playing with you and snuggling you.  Although I don't get anything done during your nap times, I look forward to them because for an hour or two, I get to snuggle with you.

I love you so so much :)

your mama

out takes:

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