Saturday, November 23, 2013

Eviction Notice (aka 41 weeks)

Oh my goodness!  Still here and still pregnant!  This little girl is just not done cooking yet, but this post serves as her eviction notice.  It's time to find new digs!

How far along? 41 weeks, holy cow!

Maternity clothes? bahaha, nothing fits

Stretch marks? a few, not happy about it, but it could be worse

Sleep: sleep is average, but still getting up a few times during the night

Best moment this week:
uhhh... I'm blanking
But I'm truly thankful to have been able to incubate a baby this long.  And while I'm not thrilled to be this overdue, I'm happy that she has been able to grow and develop as long as she has and she better be a smarty pants when she comes out!

Miss Anything? not being pregnant and ginormous, but soon I will miss that

Movement: always moving, this girl never stops!

Food cravings: junk.  Healthy just doesn't sound appealing, but I need to jump back on that bandwagon soon.

Still walking every day.

Anything making you queasy or sick: nope, just ready to be done

Gender: Pretty little lady!  

Labor Signs: false labor, the braxton hicks are picking up, but nothing's happening

Symptoms: nerve pain under my ribs, waddling, braxton hicks

Belly Button in or out? not really in or out

Wedding ring on or off? ring is off.  I tried my wedding ring on today and it was very tight.  

Happy or Moody most of the time: impatient and anxious!  We just want to meet her but she's not ready to meet us

Looking forward to:
having an outside baby

Dear little miss,

This letter will be short and sweet.
This is your eviction notice.  It's time to vacate now.
I want to meet you.  Your daddy wants to meet you (he tells you daily how he wants you to come out now).  Your grandparents want to meet you.  All of our friends and family are waiting on pins and needles for the good news.
You have a lot of people waiting for you to make your big debut.  I guess you just want to make a grand entrance?  Well, it's time now.


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