Monday, May 28, 2012

I think I want to marry you

Happy Memorial Day!

I love three day weekends.  Who doesn't?  Sleeping in, lounging around in pjs, watching the Today show.  Well, today on the Today show, they highlighted this awesome proposal video set to Bruno Mars' "Marry You."

Here is a link to an article.

And the video.

So cool!  Now I never got engaged.  Andrew never had to get down on one knee to ask that four word question.  He never even had to pick out a ring!  I really shouldn't complain because we had the wedding we always wanted and we didn't want all the hoopla of getting engaged and planning a big wedding.

But part of me wishes that I had that.  Now I know that my wedding proposal wouldn't have been anywhere near Isaac's wedding proposal to Amy with elaborate dancing and a video on YouTube, but I know it would have been special.

But when you have a surprise wedding like this....

You really can't complain ;)

What is your proposal story?

1 comment:

  1. my hubby proposed with a horse. I had the horse at a trainer's barn...and said horse was out in the arena, loose. He asked me to go get him. When I got up to him, there was a note with those four words, and a ring tied to his halter with a shoe string. They had a 4-H club there for a training session, so there were a LOT of witnesses! That was 13 years ago.... nice pics!


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