Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy Birthday!

We celebrated Andrew's 26th birthday yesterday.  Hard to believe that we have known each other for 20 years!  Since he is quite the meat-lover (sure didn't get it from his mother!), we went out to Samba Brazilian Grill.  Thank you, Groupon and all of my school friends, for recommending this beautiful restaurant.  Samba offers a salad bar and then gauchos come around to your table and offer you 8 different types of meat (or pineapple dusted with cinnamon) from the spit.  Andrew was in heaven.  Me, not so much, but hey, it wasn't my birthday!

After savoring every type of meat cuisine offered (including ribeye, pork, chicken, lamb, chorizo, chicken curry salad, calamari salad, lamb and chorizo stew, flank stank to name a few), not to mention some Brazilian nuts and olives, we walked down State Street for a bit.  Who would have thought that March 16th would feel like June 16th?  It was beautiful out.  Of course, all that food meant that it would be an early night and we curled up in bed with the girls to catch up on Community  and 30 Rock.  After all, we had to get ready to walk 5 miles the next day.

This morning we took to the Military Ridge Trail with Lucy and Maddie leading the way.  It was a fabulous morning to go for a long walk and it was before everyone else decided it was a beautiful day too so we only encountered a few joggers.  However, we decided that our littlest ladies will not be able to take all of these long walks with us.  It's quite the workout walking and having 20 lbs of pure muscle lunge and pull you this way and that chasing birds and squirrels.  It's too much for Old Man Andrew's back (and he didn't even have to walk with Maddie who runs after every bird that she sees.  And let me tell you, there are a lot of birds out in spring, go figure!)

Andrew has spent the afternoon working on his trellises for his vegetable garden while I have been making him a birthday dinner of enchiladas.  (Now I know why I always make enchilada casserole.  Rolling those tortillas without breaking them is impossible!)  Hopefully they still turn out :/

Another milestone to celebrate, besides someone's birthday, is the halfway point for me in fundraising!  Yesterday I officially hit 50% with $1170 raised!  How awesome is that?  I know some very supportive and generous people (a big, huge thank you to my parents who gave big and are so supportive! And thank you to mi madre for making me beautiful thank you cards to send out).  We still have 146 days left, so there is plenty of time to donate.  We would greatly appreciate it!
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