Friday, September 2, 2016

Emme 3 months

August 24, 2016

Height: 24.5 inches
Weight: 13.5 lbs
Clothes: 3-6mo sleepers, 6mo clothes

Emme is still nursing every 3-4 hours. She will only take a bottle if absolutely necessary. And usually still only prefers mommy to give it to her.

This little peanut is following in big sister's footsteps and only sleeping on mommy during the day. She is always in the carrier and typically falls asleep like the picture above.
She does pretty well at night. We read books with Charlee then Emme goes down right after around 8pm. Sometimes she sleeps through the night, and other times she is up once or twice.

Tummy time is starting to get a little more bearable.  Sometimes.

She likes laying on her play mat and talking to her toys.

We had to up our tummy time game and offer something else to look at.

You will notice that she is not screaming in the car seat which is a rare sight.  But the seat has not been clicked into the base in the car. Once that happens, it's all over.

She loves her pacifiers!

These two silly girls love each other so much.  It will be so fun to watch them interact as they grow.

Emme started smiling and laughing this month!
And started sitting in the bumbo!


Dear Emme,

Oh little girl, you are certainly strong willed. You make me smile and laugh, but you test my patience and strength. Your are such a mama's girl. And while I love you and your snuggles, I would also enjoy it if you let anyone else hold you.

You are starting to warm up to daddy. You will smile and laugh at him in the morning or afternoon. But come evening, you say "no thank you" and scream if anyone but mommy holds you. 

Charlee loves helping with you. You smile and laugh at her. You love to watch her. Your face lights up whenever she is near you.

I love that you look so much like me. Don't get me wrong, I would have be thrilled if you looked just like Charlee, but your blue eyes and curly blonde hair are just too cute! 

You love always being upright and sitting. Laying down is only for sleeping. You are starting to interact with your toys more and can sometimes put your pacifier in your mouth.

I cannot believe how big you are getting. You have changed so much already. It seems like just yesterday we brought you home from the hospital, but I also feel like you have been here forever.
You are such a little sweetheart (when we're not in the car and I'm the only one holding you). You are definitely a mama's girl who loves to snuggle. Hopefully you will become a daddy's girl soon too.

Love you so very much!

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