Tuesday, April 19, 2016

34 Weeks Baby #2

April 17, 2016

How far along? 34 weeks
Stretch marks? found some new ones this week.  This kid is just moving too much and stretching the belly
Sleep: I didn't think sleep could get any worse, but it has.  I have been in so much pain this week that I can barely sleep at all.
Exercise: We got in a few long walks this week, but I usually pay for it later when my hips and pelvis are killing me
Best moment this week (or the past few weeks): Charlee got to feel baby sister kick!  She thought it was so cool
Movement: This child doesn't stop moving.  Seriously, all the time. 
Food cravings: Nothing really.  Nothing ever sounds good, but I still manage to eat my fair share of calories and then some
Anything making you queasy or sick:not really
 Have you started to show yet: Oh this belly is so big.  People have commented that it looks like I'm going to POP.  Thanks...
Gender: baby sister!
Labor Signs: A lot of Braxton Hicks lately
Symptoms:the hip and pelvis pain is out of control.  I can barely walk most nights, it hurts so bad. Swollen feet and heartburn.  At night it feels as though my abs (what's left of them) are literally ripping apart.  I can't bend over or lift anything because it hurts so bad.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off?officially off. My fingers started to swell because of the warmer weather, so I took my ring off because I don't want to have to cut it off later
Happy or Moody most of the time:
This past week has been really rough for me.  I'm trying to enjoy the last few weeks of pregnancy and our last 6 weeks as a family of 3, but I feel so large and everything hurts.  My self esteem is at an all time low right now because none of my clothes fit and I'm just so big. I'm starting to gain weight in places that I didn't with Charlee (hello arms) and that is really depressing me.  I'm having a harder time moving around and keep up with Charlee or even picking her up when I need to.

Dear baby sister,

Oh my goodness, you are sassy.  I thought Charlee was a sassy girl, but you definitely have her beat.  You are always on the move and not a fan when your sister sits on my lap or when I hold her.  You are constantly kicking.

I wish I could say that we are ready for you to come, but we're not, we're so not. I wanted Charlee to come early when I was pregnant with her, but we have been in the mindset that you will come after your due date and if you come early, I think we will be in for a very rude awakening.  I'm just not ready.  I wish I could focus more time and energy on you.  I wish I could have everything planned out and all of your little clothes and diapers washed, your room completely set up, and everything off of your "registry" bought and in its proper place, but I just don't think that's going to happen.  I'm sorry that you are already getting the second child shaft. You are so very loved, but just not prepared for quite yet.

You must know that I'm writing about you at the moment because you are flipping out.  As long as you stay head down (or if you're transverse, flip to head down) then kick and punch all you want.

Love you,
your mommy


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