Wednesday, December 31, 2014

13 months

*Dec 24, 2014*
Now that we've made it past the one year mark, we'll keep the updates to the important events and lots of pictures :)

weight: 25lbs
height: 32.5 inches

Like any toddler, we are starting to get a little more picky in our food choices. She is still a very good eater, but she does throw us a curve ball every now and then.

Current favorite foods include:
pomegranate seeds (crazy, right?)
sweet potatoes

Little Ms. Thang likes to party early now.  Our good little sleeper keeps getting up earlier and earlier!  Hoping to get back to sleeping 8pm-7am (or at least 6am) solid again soon!

This little girl is on the move! (kind of)  Still not walking yet, but loves to walk with help.
She also loves pushing around the laundry baskets.

Charlee loves to play with blocks (mostly just knocking everything down).

Still a dancing machine!  She loves music.  She will even turn off Daddy's NPR at night and switch on her CD to start rocking out.

She loves to play peek-a-boo.

Charlee also is a very good helper. She has a great work ethic.  Good thing she's around to help Daddy with work.

 Bubbles (Maddie does not)

Her dogs.  Loves loves loves those two.  She wakes up in the morning and has to go find them.

Playing the piano.

Pomegranates.  She could eat at least one a day.


Dancing (obviously)

Climbing the stairs

Sitting in the wagon while being pulled around the basement

We went to Thanksmas with our Marquette friends.  Charlee did really well with baby Wes, but ultimately decided that she needed his bouncer seat more than him (good thing she didn't break it!)

We went to Olin Park to see the Christmas lights.

We went to the Dream Bank in downtown Madison (funded by American Family Insurance) for a play date with our Mother Baby Hour friends!

After a bout with the stomach flu right before Christmas (sorry to all of those who were shopping at Target around 2pm that Friday before Christmas), we headed back to Geneva, IL to spend the holidays with our families.

And of course, Stroller Strides.

Walking with help (walker or someone's hands)
Walking along furniture

"dah" = dog
"mom" = can mean "mom", can mean "yum", can mean "I'm really sad/mad right now and you better do something about it"


Dear silly girl,

I don't even know where to start!  You are so funny and make us laugh every single day.  It is so fun to watch you learn and grow.  It's hard to believe that you aren't a baby anymore and you're a toddler.

You are so very close to walking!  And you are very proud of yourself every time you try.  You are trying to climb up on everything and walk along all the furniture to get where you want to go (which is usually where a dog is).

You love to read!  We are always looking at books and you are starting to develop your favorites (I can now recite In My Jungle by heart and very close to knowing all the words to The Pout Pout Fish).

You are getting to be very clingy.  One week you only wanted your daddy and the next week you only wanted me.  We're trying to break you of the habit of needing someone to lay with you to fall asleep, but that is easier said than done.  You just don't want to be left alone and I can't blame you.

We're so very excited to see what new things you will learn by 14 months!  Every single month, week, and day, you change so much and your little personality is just hilarious!

Love you so very much!


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