Friday, October 3, 2014

10 months

Weigh: 21 pounds (according to our home scale)
Height:30 inches

Girlfriend loves to eat!
Here's a look at our daily mealtime sched:
7am: bottle
7:30ish: breakfast
between 9:30-10:30: snack
12pm: lunch
2pm: bottle before nap
4pm: snack
6pm dinner
7:30pm: bottle

I feel like all we do is make something for her to eat.  She spends more time in that high chair...

cheesy scrambled eggs, french toast, toast with jam, smoothie, pancakes, hard boiled egg, fruit, scrambled eggs with spinach and cheese

hummus, quesadilla, luncheon meat, grapes, more hummus, leftovers, grilled cheese

steak with dragon tongue beans

pork tenderloin with corn on the cob

shrimp and corn dumplings

black bean empanadas

shrimp stir fry with black bean noodles

Turkey burgers

homemade cheesy crackers, grapes, puffs, string cheese, apples, turkey roll-up

Still rocking two naps a day (short in the morning, longer in the afternoon).

But mama has figured out quickly that if we aren't home by 1pm for lunch and then nap by 2pm, it's all over and there will not be a long nap and we will all be very cranky.

But even if our naps get out of whack, Charlee still loves to sleep through the night.  Hallelujah!
Bath time at 7pm, asleep by 7:30 til 7am.

Charlee LOVES her puppies.  She crawls after them and hugs them any chance she gets.

Loves anything that makes noise: shakers, bottles with kernels in them, crinkly books, etc.

Loves to read and will "read" books in her car seat

Kneels next to her highchair (hasn't figured out how to pull up to her feet yet)

Crawls out on the deck with her puppies

Loves playing in the bath tub


The Taste of Madison


Monroe Cheese Days

The Madison Zoo with friends

Mom Baby Hour

Stroller Strides

Music Class
Seventeenth Radish

started crawling: 9/1/14

big girl car seat: 9/1/14

clapping; 9/22/14

Clothes: 12mo shirts and pants, 18mo leggings

Oh Miss Thang,

I cannot even believe that we are in the double digits (month wise).  It seems like not too long ago, I was very pregnant with you at this time of year, very impatiently waiting your (late) arrival.  And now here you are!  Silly, silly girl, always with a smile on your face.

It didn't take you long to get the crawling-thing down once you figured it out.  Now you cruise around everywhere pretty quickly.  Shortly after your started crawling, we made our first trip to the Safety Center to get a baby gate for the top of the stairs.  You love to sit at the top of the stairs behind your gate and call down to your puppies.

Speaking of stairs, you love to sit on my lap while we slide down the stairs.  You think it's HILARIOUS!  (My behind is not the biggest fan of this new activity.)

I love watching all the concepts you are starting to pick up.  When I give you a book in your car seat, you will hold it (usually upside down) and look at the pictures (when you're not eating it).  You laugh when I hold my phone up to your ear (when you're not eating it).  You have started using your fork to eat and try to put food on the fork too (when it's not constantly in your mouth).  Are we sensing a pattern yet that everything ends up in your mouth?  Including dog food.  Yeah, you found that this month and managed to shove three pieces in your mouth before I stopped you and fished them out (you were not thrilled with that).

I can't wait to see what silly things you will do next month!  And we'll see if I can get my act together to make you a Halloween costume (although you won't be trick-or-treating). And if I get my butt in gear to start planning your birthday party (or we could just go to Culver's and call it a day).

Love you!
your mama


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