Tuesday, March 25, 2014

4 months old

I cannot even believe we are at this point!

I had been doing weekly recaps, but that just got to be too much for me.  So we're trying a different format for now.  And of course, tons of pictures :)

Height: 26 inches
Weight: 15 lbs

Still nursing like a champ.
Sleep is another story...
As soon as that 3 month mark hit, gone were the days of sleeping through the night.  Now Charlee wakes up 2-3 times a night (most recently every 2 hours on the dot).
And napping, what nap?  We have a professional cat-napper here.   She is quite content with just 15-20 minute naps here and there throughout the day.  The only way that she will take a good long nap, is on mama (which leads to nothing getting done, oh well!)

Charlee LOVES her o-ball and squish ball.

The activity mat is a favorite.

Tummy time is getting more enjoyable.
Charlee LOVES her puppies and her puppies love her!  She gets kisses on a daily basis even when she pets them not-so-gently :)

Music is our favorite Tuesday activity.  Charlee loves to sing and dance with her friends.
Yoga is our Wednesday activity.  As much as Daddy doesn't like it, Charlee is the only girl and she has already started flirting with the boys (Rowan in particular).
We started a new mommy group on Fridays and go to a different baby's house each week.  Charlee's friends came over to our house last week!
We went out to lunch for Daddy's birthday and all of the waitresses loved her!  Although we are starting to realize how difficult it is going to be eating out with a baby.  She used to sit nicely in her car seat or in our laps, but now wants to stand or grab at things on the table.

We also went to La Crosse for Uncle Chris and Aunt Kelly's wedding shower at the beginning of the month. (Road Trip)

We went back to Geneva for a weekend to see family.

We've been working on our party tricks this month!
Charlee loves to stick out her tongue and blow bubbles.  She liked watching other people do it and would laugh and laugh, but towards the end of the month she finally figured out how to do it herself!

you can see the tongue creeping out :)

She started sitting in her bumbo for short periods of time.  She only likes it for a few minutes before she wants to move onto the next thing.

We have a roller!  Right before her 4 month birthday, she decided to roll from back to tummy.  We had been practicing for weeks and she finally did it on her own.   Now we just need to figure out how to roll from tummy to back.  We're not a big fan once we get to our tummy and usually scream until someone flips us back over :)


My sweet smiley little girl,

I can't believe how much you have changed this month!  We thought you had quite a personality before but you are such a ham now!  You wake up smiling every day and are constantly laughing at your big sisters.

Everyone is always so amazed at how long you are.  You are definitely long and lean.  Someone at Whole Foods asked if you were 8 months!

You love to "people watch" and see other babies.  You like hanging out with your BFF Aubrey and you will smile and babble with her.  You also love the boys (don't tell Daddy!)  You have a boyfriend at yoga!  You are just infatuated with Rowan and will babble and smile at him the entire yoga class.

We have been trying to get you to roll over all month.  We practiced every day!  Then the one day when I had to leave for a few hours to work, you rolled over for your Daddy!  He was so happy about it that I didn't care that I wasn't the first one to see it.  Of course now that you have rolled once, you do it constantly!  I can't wait until you can roll back to your back so you don't scream once you're on your tummy.

You love to listen to Daddy play the piano.  He will play for you to help you fall asleep on the weekends.

Daddy also loves to read books to you.

 You LOVE to stick your tongue out!  You watched us do it for about a week and it made you laugh and laugh, then one day you figured out you could do it too!  You can pretty much stick your tongue out on command.  We also started blowing raspberries with our tongues at you and you would crack up.  Just this past week, you have mastered that trick as well and will practice any chance you get (even bedtime in your crib).

Oh sweet girl, you crack us up on a daily basis.  Just when I thought you couldn't get more fun, you learn something new!  You have accomplished SO much this month, it's hard to think about how much you will change in the next month.

We love you so so much!

your mama

Out takes:

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