Saturday, November 16, 2013

40 weeks, a due date, and no baby yet

Bet you didn't think you'd get one more post out of me and a big belly pic, did ya?  Yeah, me neither.  We should've known.  We expected her to be an early bird like her daddy, so of course she would take her sweet time and make everyone wait.

Baby Girl is size of a watermelon (still) or a jackfruit (I don't know what that is).  She is at her birth weight (which is big in my opinion) and taking her sweet time joining us on the outside!

How far along? 40 weeks and still large and in charge!

Maternity clothes? bahaha, nothing fits

Stretch marks? let's not talk about it.

Sleep: sleep is average, but still getting up a few times during the night

Best moment this week:
hmmm best moment?  well, I still have a baby on the inside, so not that.  I waddle, not that either.  But we've been very grateful for a boring, uneventful pregnancy and keeping her on the inside to develop as much as she needs to.

Miss Anything? walking without waddling, clothes that fit, not being HUGE

Movement: omg, this child will not stop moving!  She still kicks and stretches all the time.  I can feel her head moving a lot more since it's so low in my pelvis.

Food cravings: I just eat out of boredom now and not out of necessity or because I really want anything.

Still walking 2-3 miles a day hoping to get things moving, no such luck.  Even did a few 30-60 second jogs during our walks, jumping jacks, and lots of stair climbing.  Still nothing

Anything making you queasy or sick: I always have a stomach ache now

Gender: Pretty little lady!  

Labor Signs: more braxton hicks, but nothing consistent

Symptoms: back pain, rib pain, braxton hicks, the waddle

Belly Button in or out? not really in or out

Wedding ring on or off? ring is off.  I tried my wedding ring on today and it was very tight.  

Happy or Moody most of the time: moody this week.  Moody and bitter and uncomfortable.  My good friend had her baby on Monday (thrilled for her!), but she wasn't due until December and I'm still huge and pregnant!  So I hopped aboard the bitter train for a day or so because I'm still pregnant, but LLL will decide when she's ready to join us and there's nothing that anyone can do about it (unless we get to 41.5 weeks and then she gets her eviction notice from the doctor)

Looking forward to:
having a baby on the outside!  It's time to come out now!

Dear baby girl,

On my you are quite the stubborn lady, just like mama and daddy.  I'm going to keep this short because really, you need to join us now.  I know the beginning of the week was a little chilly and it was warmer on the inside, but the weather is pretty nice now and I think you'll be fine coming out.  Plus we have all of these cute little clothes for you to wear.

Your daddy is getting more and more anxious.  He wants you to come out so he can hold you.  He's jealous that I have gotten so much time with you already and he would like to be able to see you and cuddle you.

Everyone is very impatiently awaiting your arrival.  You should probably just come now so your Gma and Gpa stop texting me every day wondering if you're ready to make your debut.  We have our 40 week appointment on Monday and a big part of me thinks that you are going to wait to come until after that to prove all of the doctors and nurses wrong.  They kept telling me that they might not see us again, I laughed and said "See you on Monday!" when we left.

Well, I'm hoping that I'm not writing you another letter for 41 weeks.  I hope to be too busy keeping up with you on the outside and not waddling around with a big belly.

See you soon! (I hope)


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