Saturday, June 29, 2013

Baby Registry, or Ways to Stress Out

Creating a baby registry is in no way the same as registering for your wedding.  The wedding one was fun.  Not to say that baby isn't, but there's just SO much more thought that goes into it.  What stroller is best? what crib is the safest? infant car seat or convertible? disposable or cloth diapers?  Too many questions and WAY TOO MANY CHOICES!

We still have a ways to go with this pregnancy, but I am definitely in my nesting phase and need to tackle some of the baby things.  I decided to start our registries at week 13.  It began with just browsing Consumer Reports so we could figure out what the best stroller, car seat, and crib to get.  We started taking about the car seat and stroller combo quite a few weeks ago.  It took me about two weeks to decide on a stroller and car seat (after going back and forth between jogging stroller and all terrain stroller), then consulted with other mommies and decided that it was not the combo for us.  Back to the drawing board and another week of scouring the internet and reading reviews. 6 weeks later and we finally decided on a stroller and car seat.
*Update* We purchased the Britax B-Ready stroller and B-Safe car seat.  Two things checked off the list!

Today I decided to hop back on the registries and see what we actually wanted/needed and what I could do without.  Really, a lot of it is just fluff.  If I left it all to bare necessities, there really wouldn't be much of a registry and then at baby showers we'd just end up with a bunch of random stuff and doubles of that said random stuff. 

Poor Andrew, I think I pester him about baby registry stuff about 3 times a week, at least.  We've gone through about 3 different high chairs, pack n plays, bouncers, swings, etc.  Cribs are a whole other story.  Unfortunately, we live in Madison where baby stores are a rarity.  BuyBuyBaby is not my favorite store, but at least you can go touch all of the baby gear you have been scouring the internet for, and the nearest ones are either close to our parents' houses or in Milwaukee.

I wasn't really sure where I wanted to go with this post when I started it, but I have found comfort and sanity in the help of other moms and what their necessities are.  I have had some wonderful friends who have passed on their registry lists to me so that we can decide what baby needs.  Hopefully this post might help someone else, or just be a way to document my craziness during this overwhelming time.

I get very overwhelmed with baby stuff and usually end up in tears because it just gets to be too much for me or other people are further along in the process or friends won't shut up about it.  I will only do baby shopping with two people, Andrew and my mom.  If you're anything like me, find your go-to people and just stick with them.  You'll have plenty of friends wanting to go shopping with you, but you just have to tell them "no."  I need to stick with what I know that I want and can't stress out about listening to someone else go on and on about what they think is the best baby this or baby that.

We actually have 4 registries going.  Yes, 4.  I'm not proud of that number, but with family and friends in different states, with different stores, different preferences for going in the store to buy things vs. online shopping, it just ended up being easier.  I've even doubled up products on various registries in case people are like me and like to look for the best deal and like Amazon shopping.

First up, TARGET.  Who doesn't love Target?  For our first mini shower, all things were purchased from Target (mainly because it was short notice and it was in Wisconsin so baby stores are literally non-existent).  This registry includes a lot of the little toys for baby development, from 0-12 months.  Target will also be the bulk of our baby clothes. 
We've registered for Aden and Anais burp cloths and swaddle blankets, Summer Infant SwaddleMe blankets, and Halo sleep sacks
One of the big things that we registered for at Target is the Graco DuetConnect Swing and Bouncer.  You can disconnect the bouncer from the swing.  Less clutter, love it! 
I also suggest registering for a few different bottles.  A few mommies have suggested that to us since who knows what baby will like.
We also decided to go with a video monitor, specifically the Motorola MBP36 Remote Wireless Baby Monitor. I've heard wonderful things about the video monitors and how much more helpful they are.  Every mama that I've talked to has said how they wish they would have just purchased the video monitor out-right.
Lindsey and Andrew's Target Registry

The major difference from the Target registry is the Baby Brezza.  Now we won't be making baby food for another year, but you can never be too prepared.  This steams and purees the food all at once!  I've heard wonderful things about it from other blogs that I read.
We've also registered for the Graco Blossom High Chair.  It got great reviews on Consumer Reports and rave reviews on sites.  It has 4 different seating options that can grow with your child.
We also purchased our Britax B-Ready stroller and B-Safe car seat through Amazon because we could get the best deal.  If you plan on having more than one baby and think you will eventually be buying a double stroller, just get the B-Ready.  It can easily convert to a double by attaching another seat.  We didn't want to buy a stroller and then not be able to use it in a few years and have to buy a new one.
We also registered for the ERGObaby Performance Baby Carrier because it got really great safety reviews on Consumer Reports.  This will be for when we walk/hike or when baby gets bigger but can still be carried.  I've registered for a smaller carrier for just errand running as well.
Amazon Registry

While this store can be super overwhelming with its floor to ceiling baby products, it's nice to be able to actually touch and see the baby things you have been looking at online.  Going to this store helped us solidify our decisions about our stroller, pack n play (Chicco Lullaby), high chair, etc.
We have also decided to cloth diaper and BuyBuyBaby carries BumGenius diapers which I really like.  We've also chosen the Ubbi diaper pail for our cloth diapering along with their wet bag liners.
This is also one of the only stores where I've been able to find WubbaNubs and Sophia the Giraffe.
I also found the Pugi infant bath tub which comes completely flat and then you can fold it together to make a little tub for the sink, perfect for when baby still can't sit up.
BuyBuyBaby registry

Nicki's Diapers
This is the registry that I just started.  As I mentioned, we have decided to cloth diaper since I will be staying at home with the baby.  And wouldn't you know, their main store front is in Madison!  I have already started buying diapers on eBay because I could get them at half the price (used, but still cheaper).  But I do want to have a good stash of diapers and would like another two dozen of different types: pockets, all-in-ones, and all-in-twos/diaper covers.  One of the really great things about Nicki's Diapers is that they have a diaper reward system and you can earn free diapers as you make purchases from their website. 
Nicki's Diapers sells a variety of cloth diaper brands as well as carriers, nursing accessories, and toys.  They also carry their own Best Bottom Diapers which are supposed to be really good. These diapers include a diaper cover and snap-in inserts.  As long as the covers aren't soiled, they can be reused with new inserts.
Nicki's Diapers Registry

I have found solace seeing other people's registries and baby lists, so I hope ours will help you out a little bit.  Now some people only give you a list of the bare necessities, what you will need to get by for the first few months.  We've chosen to start registering for what we will need or want in the first 12 months.  You will notice that there are quite a bit of toys on the registries as well.  When it comes to baby showers, not everyone is going to want to spend a lot of money and get your big ticket items, we wanted to put some smaller things on there that we will want for baby and that have come higher recommended through other websites or blogs.
If you don't have an account for Consumer Reports, check through your public library.  It has been so helpful when shopping for the big things.  We wanted to get a product that is safe for baby and that comes recommended, not something that is going to break within the first few months or isn't safe.

Happy registering!

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