Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Emme 11 months

April 24, 2017

Weight: 21lbs
Height: 29 inches
Clothes: 12/18 months

Emme is slowly getting pickier with what she eats. Well, not necessarily picky, just prefers the liquid diet over eating solid food.
Favorites include: pancakes, french toast sticks, cucumbers, hummus, black beans, strawberries, blueberries, applesauce pouches, graham crackers, cheese, peanut butter

 Evidence of her love of black beans all over her face.

I always have high hopes for this category every month and every month I am disappointed. It seems we always take one step forward and two steps back. We'll have a good night or two of only one wake up then back to being up 3-4 times a night.
Still taking 2 naps a day, so at least we have that going for us.

Emme desperately wants to play with the big girls. She isn't content with just sitting on the floor and playing with her toys if Charlee is at the table playing with her little princesses or coloring. Emme has to be sitting at the table too.
She loves to play with her Little People.

Sensory bins

Jumping at Charlee's school.
Shhh playing with big sister's princesses.

We love to play out on the deck.


Letter to Emme

Dear Emme,

Oh sweet girl, I can't believe that you are going to be 1 year old in just one month! You are growing so fast. And moving so fast!
You are crawling at record speed and now walking along the furniture. Oh and crawling up the stairs. I can't keep up with you, little girl! You seem to move faster for two people: Charlee and mommy. Or you make a fast beeline for Charlee's princesses when she isn't looking.
You are still very much attached to mommy. You do love playing with daddy and Charlee, but I always have to be in view. You give the biggest hugs and like to give kisses. I'm trying to cherish all of your snuggles now because I know soon you will be too busy to want to give hugs and have me hold you.
I feel like you have grown up so much this month! You have started waving, occasionally signing "more," pulling up to standing all the time, and walking along the furniture. You grunt and bark like a dog to communicate, ha! Maybe soon you'll actually start talking?
You and Charlee are already the best of friends. You both absolutely adore each other and I can't wait to see how your relationship will grow. You love to be near her and play with her any chance you get. I think your favorite time is right before nap or bed because you get to crawl up in her bed and give her kisses. You laugh and smile and are just the happiest snuggling with her in her big bed. I love seeing you two together.
 I love you so so much, little girl! If you could sleep a little more at night, that would be awesome. But I still love you.


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