Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Emme 7 months

December 24, 2016

Weight: 18 lbs
Height: 27 inches
Clothes: 9-12 months

It has been a big month of food for us! Emme has been eating more and more. And isn't she so lucky that her sister wants to share everything with her (most days).
We also found out that Emme has a reaction to tomatoes, just an irritation. Her skin gets bright red if it comes in contact with tomatoes, but disappears quickly.
She also started using a sippy cup! (as long as mom holds it. haven't quite mastered holding it herself)

peanut butter
string cheese
bell peppers

We are finally rounding the corner on sleep. Instead of waking up 4-10 times a night (yes, 10 times), we're down to 2-3 times a night. Yay! The only thing that seemed to work for Emme was to cry it out. As much as mommy isn't a fan, something had to be done. But we definitely did a modified version. If she cried for more than 10 minutes, daddy went in to settle her down. After a few weeks, Emme can now sleep 4-5 hours without waking up (most nights).

Emme can sit up like a champ now. In fact, that's the only position she would like to be in. She sits and plays with Little People and other baby toys. She would love to play with Charlee's princesses.

Emme loved playing with Uncle Sam over Christmas

Oh goodness to these two adore each other!
Emme bug loves being around her big sister. She always wants to be close to her and play with her toys or at least have the opportunity to play next to her.
Charlee loves to sing to Emme and to make her laugh. She is the only one who can make Emme smile big.

Sitting up
2 bottom teeth
scooting backward


Dear little buggy,

Oh sweet girl. You are growing up way too fast. I can't even believe that you are 7 months and growing like a weed. Thankfully you still have cheeks for days that I can kiss numerous times a day.

Your little personality is starting to shine. You are always so happy. I love when you smile because your entire face lights up. Your giggles are the best and you are always smiling or laughing. You love to sing. The one person who can always make you smile is Charlee. Anything she does or says makes you crack up.

This past month you have loved eating more and more foods. Mealtime is definitely one of your favorite times of the day. You have had so much fun exploring food and more and more of it is getting in your mouth.

My favorite time of day is putting you to bed and getting you when you wake up. Those are the times in the day when we get to snuggle. You're always around the big kids, so I know you will be growing up way too fast. And time has already been flying by. I cherish our snuggles and when I get to kiss you, hug you, and tell you how much I love you.

Can we talk about your hair? Oh your hair! I love your sweet little curls. Your hair is getting blonder and blonder and those curls are really coming out.

You are still very much a mama's girl. You would always much rather be with me than anyone. But you are becoming more and more comfortable with other people and you love your daddy. You know the sound of his voice and smile when you hear him on the phone.

I can't wait to see what the next few months have in store for you! You are changing so much!

I love you,

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