Sunday, July 24, 2016

Emme: 2 months

Weight: 12lbs
Length: 22.5 inches
Clothes: 3-6mo, 3mo and some 6mo onesies and dresses

Emme eats about every 3-4 hours (but today she went 5 hours in between a feed).  She has been taking 1-2oz out of a bottle (or two) every day so she can practice using a bottle. But she definitely prefers mama.

She has sleep 10-6am a few nights this month.  More times than not, she wakes up around 4am to eat.  For the most part, she has been a pretty good sleeper at night.  I feel like she is still sleeping a ton during the day.  She is starting to have more waking hours, but still lots of naps, which is good for time with Charlee.

 We have been doing tummy time more and more. She is tolerating it a little better, but is still not thrilled by it.  She spends so much time in the baby carrier, that she doesn't like being on her tummy by herself.  However, she practices holding her head up while being held.

She likes to lay on her play mat and look at her toys.  Emme has started reaching for them.

She coos and talks.  She smiles at mommy, daddy, and big sister Charlee.

Silly faces

We visited Glammy and Pops in Holmen. Emme got to meet her great grandparents, Mimi and Poppi.
Emme and Charlee got to go to the La Crosse Children's Museum.  Emme slept and had a little tummy time while Charlee ran around and played.

Emme also went to her first Epicnic.  Thankfully, it was not very hot this year, so we didn't sweat to death while Emme was in the carrier.  She slept for most of the time.


Dear Emme,

You are growing so much!  I can't believe how big you are getting.  I feel like you are growing like a weed and blowing through so many clothes.  I have already pulled out some 6 month clothes for you!

You love being held and snuggling.  You spend most of the day in my arms or in a carrier.  You love being close to your mama.  More often than not, you are just not happy unless you are with mommy.  I'm hoping that soon you will enjoy being with daddy more. He gives you baths and you seem to enjoy that (sometimes) but you still prefer mommy.

You are starting to coo and talk more.  You smile and talk to Charlee and she loves it.  You enjoy being on your play mat (on your back).  It's fun seeing how you interact with your toys and your sister.  We like sitting and chatting with you about our day.

You are getting so strong.  Whenever we hold you, you try to stand up.  You are getting better at holding your head up.  You still bobble around a bit, but your head is getting stronger.

You are such a sweet little girl (when you're not screaming in my face). I love snuggling with you and kissing your chubby cheeks.  I love your crazy hair that is curly when wet and all over the place when it dries.

I love you, sweet girl.

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