Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Emme 1 Month

June 24, 2016

Weight: 10.5 lbs
Length: 22 inches (head to heel)
Clothes: 3mo, 3-6mo

The first week of breastfeeding was ROUGH.  The first day started off good and I had high hopes, but then we had some bad latches and she massacred me.  I pumped around the clock for 5 days just to try to heal before even attempting to nurse her again.  (and it hurt like hell when I tried with a nipple shield).  Finally after hiring an in-home lactation consultant, things began to get smoother.  Thank god.  I seriously doubted myself as a mom for the first week and sobbed that I was a failure because I couldn't even feed my kid.  It was bad.  But it has since gotten so much better and she is gaining weight like a champ.

This little peanut still sleeps a ton.  Emme sleeps about 3-4 hour chunks at night and about 3 hour chunks during the day. She is awake for about 2 hours in the morning and usually that same amount around dinner time.  She sleeps wherever during the day, but in her crib at night.

There's not much "play" as of yet.  But Charlee LOVES to be with her all the time.  She gets her pacifiers, toys, blankets, etc. 
We're trying to up our tummy time game.  It is hard to remember to do with when we are on Charlee's schedule. Poor Emme is just lugged around in the car seat or put in the Beco carrier to be carted around everywhere.

Our outings have pretty much been to wherever Charlee needs to go or whatever errands need to get done.  We have been to Target A LOT. 
We go for lots of walks together and to the park with Charlee (or the "park" in our backyard).


Dear Emme,

You are such a sweet girl.  Although you drive me insane when you are cranky and screaming in my face, you are usually a pretty good baby.

You love to be held and snuggle.  I usually have you in the Beco or ring sling, so you are used to always being on someone. I love snuggling with you though.  I am getting good at doing things with one hand while holding you: reading books to Charlee, cooking dinner, eating, vacuuming, etc.

You are not a fan of the car if it's not moving.  There have been a few drives that you scream the entire time.  You seem to know when we are going to the doctor and have screamed every time.

You are pretty much carted around everywhere, but thankfully you like the baby carrier.  That is probably why you prefer to be held upright instead of cradled because you are always on my chest in a carrier.

I love our snuggles together.  And even though we are always running around on Charlee's schedule, I enjoy our afternoons together when she is napping and you and I get to sit on the couch and snuggle.

Love you, little bug!


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