Monday, August 31, 2015

Toddler Book Club: August

In August, we hosted our first Toddle Book Club! We invited all of our friends over to read some books and play.

This month, we decided to read some Eric Carle books about insects: The Very Hungry Caterpillar and The Very Busy Spider.  I got to channel my inner teacher and plan some fun activities for my littlest friends.

We started the day off with reading our books and singing a few songs. 
We read The Very Busy Spider (Charlee helped by supplying the animal sounds) and sang "The Itsy Bitsy Spider."  Then we read The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Charlee introduced her friends to the "Animal Boogie."

 After reading, the little friends were turned loose to do an art project, play with play dough, eat snacks, and play with toys.
 We made color sorting caterpillars.  The kiddos got to pick the colored circles to make a caterpillar then glue different colored objects in the correct circles.
The play dough was a BIG hit!  I made play dough (recipe here) and the kids were able to make insects or just play.  There were googly eyes and pipe cleaners to make their insects or just use cookie cutters, spoons, and sticks to dig, smoosh, and create something fun.

 Of course there were lots of snacks for our littlest friends. 
Muffins, fruit, cheese, cookies, all a big hit. 

All the kiddos had so much fun playing together.  It's fun seeing them interact together and actually play together instead of just next to each other. 
Overall, the day was a success filled with lots of smiles and no tears.  That's a big win in my book!

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