Saturday, July 5, 2014

7 months

Weight:18.6 lbs
Height:28 inches

Oh my gawd.  You certainly were testing me this month, child.

At about 6.5 months, you threw me a huge curve ball.  Once those little teefers came in, you started biting.  And well, one day you bit hard, and I yelled, you cried.  From then on, you've been a bottle girl.  Refusing to nurse.  I have come to terms with it and you are happy as a clam.

Even though we hit a wall with nursing, you love eating solid foods!
AND drinking water from a sippy cup!!

This month you have eaten:
spicy lamb patties

chickpea burgers (you didn't like them)

cheese and lentil wedges


salmon burgers



string cheese




 sweet potatoes


black beans

peas (yuck)

You are loving this Baby Led Weaning!

Sleep is getting better!  You usually catnap in the morning a few times, around 8:30am and again around 10:30am.

We try to stay around the house in the afternoon so you can take an afternoon nap.  You usually fight it until about 2:30 or 3pm most days though.

You are back to only waking up once a night around 3:30am to eat.  Then you get up again around 7am.  Although one night you slept until 6am!!

Daddy puts you to bed every night.  You take a bath in your big girl bath tub (a big duck pool that fits in the tub!) then read a book, have a bottle, and go to bed.  You put yourself on a schedule and you know when 6:45 rolls around and start rubbing your eyes meaning that you're ready for your bath then bed (even if you had a late afternoon nap).

You love to chase your sisters around in your walker.

You love to sit and play with your kitchen and tool bench.  You can press the buttons to listen to the music.

You like going on walks in your stroller.

You love reading books.

And helping mama with the laundry

You love playing the piano with Daddy.

You like to play peek a boo!

 Farmers' Market

Music class every week!  You love singing and dancing and are getting pretty good at tapping the beat.

Your great-aunt Marilyn and Glamma came to visit in June.  You loved hanging out with her!
Your great grandparents also came to visit as well as your most favorite Aunt Katie!  We all went to the zoo.

We drove over to MKE on your 7 month birthday to see my friends from my Marquette days (Daddy isn't the only one to have a Marquette crew!)  We all first met 9 years ago as freshmen and all joined Pi Beta Phi together.  We hadn't seen each other in almost 4 years and now everyone has babies!  You loved meeting Sophia, Grayson, and Ella.  And mommy loved catching up with Natasha and Katie.

You do not like going to the garden with Daddy.

But you love riding like a big girl in the shopping cart!

big girl bath tub: May 26th, 2014

sitting up without support: early June
Brushing your teeth: early June

Dear Charlotte Jean,
Oh my goodness, you are definitely a strong-willed little lady!  Even at just 7 months, you test me, nearly every day.  But then you smile and laugh and you melt my heart (until you bite me again).
You are growing up oh so quickly and it's hard to remember when you were just a little baby.

 You have such a funny personality!  You make us laugh every single day.  You shriek and giggle.  You love to run after your puppies in your walker (most of the time while shrieking).  You love to talk and sing.  You love to sing when we're in the car (while holding onto either side of your car seat like you're on a roller coaster). 

You always have a smile on your face.  You have perfected the "parade wave" and like to smile and wave at everyone in Target and Hyvee (everyone stops to tell you how beautiful you are).  You ham it up for your people.  However, I think this has started to give you a complex.  You LOVE to look at your reflection: in the mirror, in windows, on my phone, in the oven door, etc.  You just can't get over how beautiful that baby is!

You are starting to give big hugs whenever I or Daddy pick you up.  I love your snuggles.  (I'm over the hair pulling though, so if we could stop, that would be great.)
We love watching you learn every day and the new things you start to pick up on.  You can play the drums now, clap our hands, tap the beat, pick up things up, wave, throw, push buttons on your toys to play music.  It's amazing how much you have learned!

We love you so much, little lady. 




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